26. Insecurities

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Chapter 26: Insecurities

Shirayuki delicately signed the paperwork with both her name and status and title after reading and accepting a new agreement between Tanbarun and Clarines.

Shirayuki stood up from her own private bed and weakly made her way to her private chamber's long-width window.

It was a bit windy today. The weather has been rainy, wet and cloudy for the past few weeks.

How astonishing it would be if I could be outside enjoying the wonderful breeze of Autumn. Shirayuki thought. She closed her eyes and added, But it's also cold. Very unhealthy for you and I.

Not so long before Shirayuki felt quick movements in her belly.

"So, you do agree, huh?" Shirayuki asked placing her hands on her three-month baby bump.

It's amazing how she could already feel her baby's moves in her womb. Natural first moving and/or kickings could be felt during 16-25 weeks of pregnancy, for first-time pregnant women. But her case was different. Already at 10 weeks of her pregnancy, she could already feel moving. Confused and unsure, she went to her ex-chief, Garrack Gazelt, for help. Obviously, Chief Garrack was also amused, but later told her not to be scared, and that, she will start researching for answers.

When she had first told Zen about the pregnancy result, Zen almost fainted. He looked so astonished. Till now, Zen still finds it difficult to believe he's going to be a father. Shirayuki badly wanted to tell Zen on his birthday. But, waiting long meant hiding her pregnancy completely from him. Which wouldn't be easy to do so?

Shirayuki had been diagnosed with a rare complication of pregnancy; Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis Gravidarum, shortly known as HG, is symptomized by stern nausea, several episodes of vomiting in a day and feelings of fainting.

She awaits her 20th week more than anything. These HG symptoms are often to be better after 20 weeks. But If luck neglects her, she might have to endure the painful, exhaustive, rare sickness on her entire months of pregnancy.

It has caused her loss of weight. The only thing that is requested to depend on is high in fat and high in calories diets-- but healthy to add weight. Unfortunately, after every few minutes to hours of anything edible passed into her mouth, she vomits. Not only does she vomit what had entered her belly, but blood also. The second dependable is a high protein supplement. A supplement specially made for her. It helps to contain a minority of her weight.

Shirayuki sighed as she saw the light raindrops. It's been drizzling the whole day; the whole week, to be specific.

"Enter," Shirayuki said weakly and slowly after a two-time knock was heard.

"Your Highness." Alyne curtsied "Pardon my interruption."

"It's okay." Shirayuki turned fully to face Alyne, smiling a bit exhaustively.

"I brought your food and the books you had requested, my princess." Alyne held a basket full of books.

"Place the basket near the chaise lounge."

Alyne nodded and ungrasped the small food cart full of different types of high protein diets.

Shirayuki had even become weary to almost any high protein diet. After all, she does hurl if she eats or not; everything disgusts her now.

"My princess, do you need anything else? And with the food?"

"No, it's alright. You can go finish what you were doing."

After Alyne's last bow, she respectfully left, leaving her princess alone.

Shirayuki walked herself to the side of the chaise lounge and once more, took refuge.

Shirayuki had changed. She now had insecurities, distress, depression, anxieties and much more. All of these were the reasons she had indirectly vacated from her husband's bedroom chambers to her own private bedroom, so, she wouldn't allow her husband to have looks of her.

She had been asked to retreat from work, but Shirayuki had objected. Zen had definitely stepped in a man and asked Shirayuki to leave work behind, but Shirayuki still didn't want to. It's not as if she didn't want respect Zen or anything similar, but it's just that, she wanted to help out on a new agreement, that's all.

She groaned a bit irritated as another knock was heard. She threw her head back and answered.

It was Cora.

"Please, bear no malice, Your Highness." Cora apologized as she curtsied.

"What is it, Cora? I had yet to send for you." Shirayuki asked her voice a little bit cracked, and sat up straight.

"I am free from my errands. So, I decided to spend my next minutes with you, Your Highness."

Cora was still looking on the ground as she explained her reasons.

"Oh, Cora," Shirayuki mumbled. Apparently, Cora heard. "There wasn't any reason for you to come. I'm fine."

"Thank you." Cora thanked for no particular reason.

Cora never minded whether her princess had anxieties of her stay with her. Instead, to leave, she pushed the food cart towards Shirayuki and smiled.

Shirayuki didn't say or do anything. Cora was a troublesome and stubborn lady. Sending her away now, she would come back within seconds saying she wouldn't have anything to do. Besides, Cora has left all her errands and duties just to be with her, Shirayuki. To show appreciation, Shirayuki lets her be.

Cora firstly placed the cutleries on a nearby long table, suitable for Shirayuki to reach. The three types of glasses. Quickly placing all needy things on the table as she didn't want Shirayuki to starve more.

Shirayuki closed her eyes. Even though she was hungry, she didn't feel like eating. Any strong-scented smell made her dizzy. With that, her diets' aroma has been intended to keep it's scents away.

"I'm done with serving. Have a nice meal." Cora informed, smiling and left.

Shirayuki looked at the table full of complicated meals, with a raised eyebrows. Different types of dieted meals. She was tired of eating. She was tired of gaining yet losing weight. She was tired of vomiting and getting sick; not able to do anything without consent.

She rolled her eyes at the complicated meals; angry at the food, and lied down. She reached to take a book from the basket; brought by Alyne. It was a book about first-time mothers'. She had personally requested Alyne to search such books and guides for her.

Although Cora was outside, she knew her princess wouldn't eat. So, she went and informed to Prince Zen about it. At least, he knew how to make Shirayuki take her meals seriously.




So, Shirayuki is pregnant. Yaay!!

Unfortunately, Shirayuki is diagnosed of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. A very rare sickness. It affects around ~1% of pregnant women.

The saddest thing is, our Shirayuki originally and naturally weighs between 47 and 55kg. And now, she suffers HG, which causes huge weight loss. So, you can imagine how she looks like with sudden weight loss. Well, I possibly can't imagine.

No wonder she now has major insecurities and doesn't want Zen around her. Poor Shirayuki:(

Having HG symptoms during pregnancy could probably be the worst thing ever happened.

Hope you still enjoyed:(

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