18. Regrets

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Chapter 18: Regrets

One of the best things about living in Clarines is hot summers. Most occasions are held in summer. Like, naming ceremonies, festivals, birthdays, parties, weddings... Of course, occasions are also held in other seasons too.

The Wistal castle had been informed to the royal cabinet that the Wistal town is been chocked and something needs to be done immediately. Of course, the King had kindly moved some of the people to the neighboring town.

Just days later had been informed the people were coming back to the Wistal town. The situation was getting dangerous and out of hand. The King had no choice but to secretly close the town's borders and put low armed forces on the border to make sure no one has iniquitous plans towards the upcoming celebration between his younger brother and his woman.

Things were now in control. The borders were been controlled. Inside the Wistal Castle, itself was also a secret high, strong, armed soldiers. The security in the castle became tight as days passed by. His Majesty just couldn't risk any informal laceration in his own castle at his own brother's matrimony; a total disgraced it would be.

The white-haired prince had given his absolute permission to the King about this whole situation. After all, he's going to be the second in command in the Royal Army soon, so his concern that concerns the army is his issue to handle.

On top of everything, the white-haired Prince had something that was slowly eating him up day by day, his apprehensiveness. The Prince was anxious to the point he was losing confident to face his bride when she walks to the altar; thus he might snivel, which his elder brother had given him a strong warning of wailing, for it would make him look frail and futile.

He was desperately thinking of how to avoid sniveling. Especially if his bride happens to look so beautiful and he can't handle her outshining beauty. The Prince had woke up early to figure out his situation by himself, by sitting on his large bed recollecting all the as beautiful and dejected memories as his bride, from the past.



The clock is ticking fastly than usual. The time happens to hate me. It never goes fast when I'm at meetings or at parties, but right now two hours has already passed just by flutters of my eyes.

I groaned loudly wanting to... to... I don't even know what to do. I just want everything to happen as fast as possible, but not so fast as possible.

I can't believe, how exhausted I was yesterday as brother and I fought pointless duels, just to see who is in command. Of course, I wouldn't let my own brother beat me and cancel my marriage and neither was he ready to give up his throne and give me praise in public. The duels had all been a tie. It's a really good feeling to know, my brother can't defeat me anymore. I hope my strength can also help me protect Shirayuki too.

Every time I try not to think about the pressures Shirayuki went through during and before our declaration of our engagement, I happen to think about it. I wanted Shirayuki to get used to some of the things of being royalty before getting married to me. Somethings that could have let her leave me, to be specific. I took her to different occasions. She even gave a couple of speeches. I wanted my brother to let Shirayuki be for a while. I knew my brother was intentionally giving Shirayuki tasks including her pharmaceutical tasks, making it a bit difficult for her. Fortunately, Shirayuki passed my brother's so-called "fiancee tasks".

Shirayuki had found out about her family and about her noble title. Brother wanted Shirayuki to use her new title she just found, to prove to some of the nobles of Clarines that, Shirayuki was also high-classed. Of course, his idea wasn't bad. So I gave him my approval. Unfortunately, brother had different plans about the whole state. I didn't feel comfortable about it. It felt like I was somehow responsible that brother was trying to abuse Shirayuki's noble title. Shirayuki was the daughter of a runaway noble and a first cousin to a reigning noble house in Tanbarun. Her mother also had a noble blood. I tried my best to let Brother know that, what he was doing was not right. That he needed permission from Shirayuki before doing things without her approval.

I was mad about the whole situation, I had no choice but to tell Shirayuki about brother's ideas and plans. I also didn't have a choice but to take the whole blame. I lied to Shirayuki that I was the one who had abused her title and that's why many nobles of Clarines sees her as high-classed. Shirayuki understood the whole situation and forgave me of something I never did. Definitely, from the face, Shirayuki pulled while I was apologizing to her, showed that she didn't believe me. I really regret lying, but it's for the best.

My brother has had private conversations with Shirayuki. And Every time, Shirayuki somehow happens to like being around him more, to the point of feeling a bit comfortable around him. It's not like I'm jealous or anything, but I'm just worried brother might be trying to hypnotize Shirayuki's mind. I also know my brother's plans towards Shirayuki haven't ended. Especially now that Shirayuki won't be a herbalist anymore, but an Envoy to both Clarines and Tanbarun.

Brother had promised right in my face that he will make sure to take it easy with Shirayuki at first, about her being an Envoy. I really don't know the point of having such a title, especially to a princess, but I'm still hoping his reasons are satisfying enough.

I laid my head back onto the pillow. I let out a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I turned to look at the other side of the bed. I smiled lightly as I thought of Shirayuki sleeping on that pillow, beside me.

I fell back to sleep. Not so long before I realized, I wasn't alone in my room anymore. I gave an exhaustive sigh and sat back again my bed.

"Hey, guys," I said boringly.

Obi was standing beside the balcony window scratching his nape. Mitsuhide had one of his hands on his waist as the other touching his sword. And Kiki opening the door.

"I never knew my bedroom had become a place of morning meetings." I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't seem ready for your wedding," Kiki said standing beside Mitsuhide.

"Oh, come on! We all know master is overly happy. He's probably just thinking about...*whistles*" Obi paused.

"Hahaha! Very convenient." I said rolling my eyes. He just looked at me and laughed.

"Anyway, I came here to inform you that Shirayuki has a visitor," Kiki informed.

"Who?" I asked.

"The one you sent the letter to, secretly," Kiki said emphasizing the last word.

I was a bit surprised.

"Take him to Shirayuki." I approved.

Kiki nodded and with that, she left me with the two geniuses.

Longtime no...read?

I had (and still have) three exams and three projects. Lovely life, right?

I wanted to post this "emotional" chapter because I wanted Zen to feel guilt that Shirayuki has to suffer because of him and I definitely didn't want their duration of engagement to go perfectly.

But I also wanted Zen to be overly happy about Shirayuki not leaving him, even though he lied about something his brother did.

I hope this chapter will also give hints to this new "stranger".

Hope you enjoyed as much I enjoyed writing. ;)

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