40. A Visit [II]

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Chapter 40: A Visit [II]

Shirayuki's eyes were slowly opening, her brains calmly refreshing. Her body was tired. Instead, to rest again, she could already hear short cries. She summoned a few energy and pulled herself up, viewing her priceless angels who look to have been awake for a while.

They were seeking for attention, and certainly, they were hungry.

"Good morning, my precious baby boy and baby girl." The twins definitely weren't responding with a friendly gesture. They seemed really hungry in their warm nightwear.

Shirayuki laid Zehel and Laila on her bed from their borrowed bassinet from the Lions.

Shirayuki prepared herself and started feeding Laila. Her son, now on her bed, cries in seconds then stops. She tried to cheer him up by giving him his favorite toy, but he was so hungry and probably angry to even care about a toy. His hands were in the air looking for an attention.

Zehel was in her mother's arm just seconds after she was done with Laila. He didn't wait for a microsecond and directly went for the nipple of her mother, sucking it with passion, to define how starving he really is.

And very much to her exasperation, someone knocked her door. She quickly dressed in an appropriate dress while feeding Zehel, and received her guest.

"Good morning, Princess," Suki greeted.

"Morning, Suki. Hope you slept well?" Shirayuki asked.

"Very much, ma'am," Suki responded. "I came to check if you were awake, and you are, is there anything I could do for you?"

Shirayuki told Suki to arrange the necessary accessories needed for bathing Zehel and Laila. And Suki did exactly what she was told.

Just in time, Zehel was already full. He was already yawning of sleep.

"Is anyone awake?" Shirayuki asked looking out from her closed windows which reviewed a small view and light of early dawn.

"No one is awake except the women who are uncluttering, the men who have gone hunting, and the others who are guarding and patrolling the village, and definitely our guards, too. There are some who are still sleeping though."

Shirayuki nodded. She carried Zehel whose eyes were sleepy and Suki held the already-asleep Laila, holding the pan of bathing accessories for babies, and they walked the familiar route to the private washroom prepared for her, Suki and the twins.

They met Obi on their way. He greeted them, and they did the same.

Zehel hated water touching his body more than anything. He can cry through the whole bathing time, making his bathe really restless and difficult. On the other hand, Laila is quiet and calm. She really seems to like bathing very much.

Shirayuki for a moment thought Zehel might have woken up the other sleeping residents of the village. Suki took the twins back, with a light dress on their bodies, after their moment of not-so-fun together in the washroom. Shirayuki used that moment to clean herself, a while after Suki left.

Dressing them, in Shirayuki's room, was most entertaining. Shirayuki played with them and they laughed, while Suki smiled, watching her ma'am as she dried the towels used for their bath. She opened the window in millimeters for fresh air and made sure the curtains were securing for the windows' instead.

Laila and Zehel were taken to a woman who had promised to take care of them if Shirayuki happened to be busy. 

The beautiful red-haired Princess of Clarines walked through the ways in a very simple, modest dress.

"Do you think the General's daughter knows?" Shirayuki heard one lady speak. She was the General's daughter so she definitely knew they were talking about her.

"I don't think so. If she knew, I don't think she would be happy, and be smiling yesterday, after her discuss with him. Maybe the General has decided to rather tell her today, or tomorrow," another voice came in.

Shirayuki stood there puzzled at the ladies' conversation. She reminded herself about her talk with her father yesterday. Everything was normal. What could they be possibly talking about? Shirayuki thought.

"Less gossiping, more working," a third voice came in.

Despite her worry, she kept a formal face. "Could I help with anything?" Shirayuki asked the ladies who were talking earlier, and they seemed to be preparing the breakfast. There were, from her view count, so far seven women preparing the meal.

They blinked, confused.

One waved her hands in the air, saying, "No, no. There's no need, we're almost done." Shirayuki looked around and knew they weren't even close finishing anytime. She struggled for hours before they finally let her to help them.

Suki paused her walk with astonished eyes. It was her very first time seeing her Princess brewing. Shirayuki signed Suki to be soft with her green eyes.

At first, the ladies didn't know how to react with Shirayuki. They called with her title, but Shirayuki told them not to, that they should be formal with her.

Later, on Kazuki came in looking really tired, after his hunt.

"...yes, I know," Kazuki said, smiling. He signaled Shirayuki for her to follow him, which Shirayuki did.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Just that Pops wanted to see you."

Shirayuki confused.

Kazuki continued, "He's in the room up on the right, the same place where you met him yesterday."

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