52. Truths

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Chapter 52: Truths



After everything happened, Shirayuki asked Mitsuhide and Obi if they could clear out Alyne's space and inspect if they can find out anything suspicious, especially from her bedroom. They agreed, but Obi indirectly insisted on escorting Shirayuki to Izana, which Shirayuki didn't resist. Shirayuki and Obi left Mitsuhide and they departed.

Shirayuki felt the coldness accompanied by shivering despite walking through the inside halls, avoiding the cold winter weather. It's been close to months since they have been alone together after the invasion. For them being alone together like this, it just brought back the memories both are hoping to forget. Especially for Obi. He was to protect her, but he didn't. He couldn't. And he regrets it.

"I heard a controversy about your health."Shirayuki, step by step, slowed down her pace of walking, intentionally waiting up for Obi, who was behind her. "How are your injuries? I also heard about your break-downs."

Obi's horizontal wrinkles appear on his forehead with slight frustration about something he would have loved for Mitsuhide to keep it to himself. "You know about it?"

Shirayuki smiled, despite being brokenhearted of being the reason her lady Alyne might not witness the end of the month. "You mean, I indirectly warned you about your escapades?"

Obi's eyebrows curved. "I never knew you knew."

"I caught you one night creeping yourself out of the castle. I just promptly informed Mitsuhide to warn you and pay an attentive attention to your movements."

With Shirayuki at Obi's side, he could still see Shirayuki limbing lightly on her leg. It was obvious to him Shirayuki was tired and barely had any energy left. But she had been called by Izana for a quick talk before Shirayuki can rest after a hectic and frenetic night.

She continued, "What did you discover? And I assume you have evidence, too."

He scraped his hair. "Nothing much. Just found out where the main base of Lord X's assassins. I do believe there are other smaller bases around Wistal. Since I couldn't have recalled everything they said, I recorded it."

"Amusing. Thank you very much for your efforts, despite being in pain to get such informative information. Shirayuki turned and faced Obi. She put her hand on his cheek. "I mean it, Obi. You might feel hesitant about it, but without you, this moment won't be happening." She leaned in and kissed Obi's cheek. "I am much obliged."

Obi watched as Shirayuki walked away. He leaned in one of the pillars thinking about everything from the start as he waited for Shirayuki outside the door.

"Your Majesty," Shirayuki greeted with a low bow, feeling a sharp pain in her neck. She could still feel Alyne's cold hands on her neck, like she never took them away.

"After nearly two years of being married to my brother, you still refer to me as that?" He had given her a solid permission to call him by his name. "Which part of my name is difficult? The consonants or the vowels?"

Shirayuki couldn't help, but smile. She wasn't sure, though, if it was merely a joke or not as she could not really analyze his face well. Izana's gestured for her to take a seat, which she happily accepted. He gesticulated if she would like to share his wine with him. She instantly declines the offer in a gentle way and thanks him. He puts his bottle of wine on a small table beside him and he sits down.

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