I wish.

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  I wish I could ask the hours to stop and the seconds to stop ticking away.

 I wish that the day had endless hours embedded in it,

 The weeks had infinite days; 

 Containing our memories like a calendar full of unforgettable 

Days and nights 

Hours and seconds

 Distances and closeness 

Breaths and sighs

 Love and smiles 

Tears and hope.

 I wish that these moments were like your hands;

  I could hold them tight and relive the sparks that went off inside my body when I caressed them for the first time.

  I wish that the time had the audacity to stop and wait, 

Whenever we were together and just for once we were not tied by the fear of it ending. 

And that each hour while ticking away held the memory of our best and the worst moments,

Not to bring us to tears but to make us proud of them.

 I wish that my hands never forget the feel of yours.  

I wish, that even a faint remnant of your memory reminds me of these colorful times.

 And that I should never forget them. Ever .


Hello readers! thanks a lot for the views and votes. I am grateful for the acceptance. Please continue to vote for them if you feel a connection! :) Thanks again, you all are some lovely people out there! I would also like to thank some constant companions(you know who you all are) for helping me with the suggestions and inspirations :)

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