He wanted out. Out of this hell. Nothing but agony and torture was the event of the day. Every day actually. In the distance, the cries of civilians echoed into the sky, piercing his ear drums. It no longer rattled his bones to his core. The sight of torn flesh and pools of blood no longer caused his stomach to twist and turn in nausea. No more bile came up his throat each time a comrade was devoured and he was there to watch their last moments of painful agony. To hear their last screams for help and to witness their last breath before their bodies were dropped into the hungry maws of the gigantic ugly as hell abominations called a Titan. Watching friends die by the flesh hungry hoards of giant beasts no longer phased him. He brushed their memories off his shoulders, spit their names from his lips, and walk on. Sven had only one goal and one goal only. He dreamed of eradicating each and every titan on the Earth, something Eren failed to do. The ice in his veins helped fuel that hunger.

"Another one down." Ivan whispered from his side, hunched over on the roof of a random housing unit. Sven sighed, resting his hand on the handle of his blade at his right hip. His dull, grey eyes scanned the tops of roofs and over the heads of titans. The screams of civilians running by below was almost deafening, but never struck any emotional cord within his empty heart. Locks of dark brown hair fell into his eyes. Ignoring the hair, he turned his head to his partner. 

"Do we know how many there are in the area?" 

Ivan only shook his head. "I haven't heard a word from the spotters yet. Either they've been compromised or tied the fuck up."

Sven turned his head back to the sight of watching innocence running for their lives like ants. Weak. They were weak and defenseless. They were like children: they expected to be protected without doing their own goddamn part. It was laughable. He didn't sign up to protect anybody but himself. No, he signed up to satiate his thirst for bloodshed and this was the logical and acceptable outlet.

"We can't sit here forever, Stiles," Ivan stood up, pulling his blades from their metal casing at his hips. "We're sitting ducks."

Sven chuckled, "Relax. Wait till they get a little closer."

Ivan rolled his emerald eyes, putting his swords back and crossed his muscular arms. "OH yeah, whatever you say, edge lord. I bet you even jerk off to this in the bunkers at night."

Sven grinned, turning to look at Ivan. Ivan was tall, maybe 6'5, with almost god like features, or that's what Sven has heard some of the girls in his garrison gossip about.  Ivan was a honey blond, with the ever-so-popular baby blue eyes, and a firmly fit physique to match. Had German blood in his steroid abused veins. He was probably the strongest physically in their garrison but, not too sharp intellectually wise. Too cock strong.

"Have you been spying on me?"

"You aren't that subtle about shit like that, Sven." Ivan snorted, shifting his weight from his left leg to his right one, the knee high brown boots squeaking as he did so.

"You know me too well, Ivan, you know me too well." Sven stood up. He grabbed his blades by the silver handles and pulled them out of the metal casings from each hip. He pointed his sword to the small breach in the wall.

"That's where most of the titans are. And supposedly, the front team is over there too slaughtering if they haven't eradicated already."

"What do we do?" Ivan asked, all humor gone from his voice. He wasn't stupid when he wanted to be. Wasn't all about sex. Could at least be intellectual in serious situations. Sometimes, but not always.

Sven stepped up onto the minor bump up on the very top of the red stone roof. He turned his head to the right and smiled at Ivan with a knowing look. It was a very unnecessary question- they both knew the answer. He stepped over the stump and walked down the slanting roof to the gutters, his feet just slightly hanging off the roof that was 2 stories above the ground.

Beyond The Wall {BxB} Book 1 #COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now