"We're advancing into Trost at dawn." Arik bellowed so every scout could hear him. They camped out in the countryside between Maria and Rose.

"Reports says the Titans are contained to Trost so you will be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

Trinity rolled out a sleeping bag in the tent he shared with Sven. He tossed his bag of basic supplies to the head of the tent. The bonfire roaring outside was big enough to radiate warmth into their tent among others. He looked over at Sven, who was also unstrapping his harness. Trinity turned his head back to his business. All he had to do now was lay back and kick off his boots.

"So, what was that earlier?" Sven asked abruptly, still keeping his head down as he removed his equipment from his lean torso.

"What was what?" Trinity knew what he meant but, he rather play ignorant. He was just overly emotional earlier.

Sven raised his head, a brow raised quizzically. He clearly wasn't buying the ignorance act. He dropped his equipment and put his hands to his hips. Trinity groaned, dropping his head onto his pillow less sleeping bag.

"I don't know. Something in me flared up. I can't make you understand. I lost my family to humans."

Sven dropped his hands, snorting as he crawled on all fours onto his sleeping bag. "Yeah, and Titans scared mine off. We're in just about the same boat."

"I'm not fully human. When you people talk about mercilessly wiping out the creatures that protected me, it's rather hard to sit through. You're becoming what you all fear; monsters." Trinity traced his index finger along the makeshift tent roof. His finger made random invisible shapes; tracing nothing in particular. Just mindless doodling.

"You humans have the ability to torture for fun. Greed is all you're known for. The pain you inflict on each other is amazingly cruel. The creative, intricate methods of torture invented by your race is nothing short of despicable."

Sven rolled his eyes, falling into his back with a deep sigh. He turned his head and got a glimpse of Trinity's profile. Skin as fair as lilies in the rarest blood, soft lips the color of a fading red water color, a perfectly curved small nose stuck to his face, and rather admirable cheekbones. The curve in his cheeks gave him an elegant innocence appeal to him. He was certainly a rare creature, and Sven wasn't thinking about his hybrid DNA. He turned his head to gaze up at the top of the tent. The licks of the whispering fire shadowed on their tent.

"Trinity," Sven spoke up in the brief silence. "You need to understand something. The world doesn't revolve around your bullshit. Other people are suffering. If I didn't grow up the way I did, I would have a better disposition but instead, all I desire to do is to kill every Titan. Yeah, I said it. I want to kill every Titan because they took my life away."

He paused momentarily. All was silent between them and that was a que for Sven to continue his tirade.

"Yeah, we humans are incredibly cruel but when we're fighting for our lives, all of that goes away. We all have one goal in mind and that goal is to wake up the next morning in one piece. Some people do it for their families, even sacrificing themselves to save others. People like me do it to take our abandonment issues out on the monsters that ruined us. I gain a sense of freedom when I kill even one 5 meter Titan. To know I was one Titan closer to eradicating the species makes it ok. The thrill of ripping into their medulla gives me a sense of purpose and keeps my feet planted on this earth. Trinity, you need to be aware that innocent humans are dying because of your family. We're all monsters. We all think we're innocent but, none of us are. I know for a fact you've done things you aren't proud of and so have I. The only thing worse than a Titan biting at you is your personal demons. Your demons will eat you alive from the inside out, forcing you to live all your life in a personal, devious hell, whereas Titans can end it all in a flash. There's no more time for feeling sorry for yourself. You may not like the truth but, you're going to have to swallow that pill. I will force it down your throat if I have to."

Beyond The Wall {BxB} Book 1 #COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now