8 months since the departure of Trinity and the Titans, no more Titan activity was heard about ever again. With each scout expedition into the outside world, there was no more Titan sightings, as if they all simply vanished all at once. Because of this enlightening news, the start of a new wall past Maria was underway. It was the start to reclaiming land they've lost all those years ago. Hope was filling the streets of every city or village in all corners. Fear and internal crime was almost nonexistent. Children began talking excitedly about how they can't wait to see what the world beyond the walls looked. But, cultists began popping up like an infestation of rats. Nonetheless, the progress of the new wall kept everyone's hopes up.

Commander Arik still lead scouts out to secure areas that will be apart of the new wall. He lead with a free mind and heart, realizing letting Trinity leave was the best option for humanity and the kid had been right.

It will all be fine from now on.

Sven, on the other hand, went back to his reclusive ways. He kept to himself and remained on edge, never letting himself relax. He didn't trust letting himself drop his guard for even one second in the land that Titans once roamed. Titans were always unpredictable so, another ambush could just be brewing in the shadows.

"You got to take the stick out if you ass," Ivan remarked. He dropped his pile of stakes and looked at Sven, who only stares off into the blue horizon. The sky above rounded out like a bowl from one horizon to the other. Only birds and smalls puffs of clouds passed by above once in awhile.

"Are you still thinking about all those months ago?" Ivan could definitely see something was bothering Sven, which was almost a culture shock. In all his years of knowing Sven Stiles, this was a first. Cadet Stiles never let anything or anyone bother him as much as that goodbye haunted him. Ivan was concerned, thinking Sven was always the strong soldier.

So maybe the ice began melting in that cold heart of his....
And he doesn't know how to process it.

"I can assure you that I'm not." Sven responded curtly. "I'm just ready for a Titan to appear."

Ivan scoffed, getting down on his hands and knees, hammering the stakes into the ground, beginning to create an outline of how far the wall will extend and how wide it will go. Of course, he wasn't doing this alone. Scouts were assigned areas to begin outlining with one scout on guard while the other worked.

"Sven, we haven't seen or heard a Titan for 8 months. What are the chances of seeing one again? They all just vanished."

Sven uttered a sarcastic laugh. "Careful, you'll jinx our peace streak."

Ivan grinned, hammering a stake into the ground while Sven kept a look out. The quiet was much appreciated, considering how loud and excitable the civilians are inside Maria. He couldn't share in the pointless jabbering. How could he? Why would he?

When he left Trinity standing there, knowing he may never see him again, the unexpected goodbye forced him to confront something he has been trying to deny for awhile. When he walked away, steaming and confused, he broke. He lost control of his legs and tumbled into a warm puddle of blood. In a fit of confused anger, he broke his sword stabbing the puddle over and over again, the sword finally snapping after hitting stone repeatedly. He remembers unhooking his equipment and throwing it all against a crumbling brick house. Misha was the first to get to him and held him. She didn't care if blood stained her clothes, no, she had to be there for someone who held it together for so long. He hadn't cried for as long as he could remember and he finally broke his streak. The other scouts stood back a ways, completely helpless to bare witness to their strongest and toughest soldier in heart wrenching, chest wracking sobs. It wasn't a sniffle and 'boo hoo' crying, no, it was crying his heart out; sobbing and choking on air until his throat hurt. His lungs burned even after the tears ceased. He finally let it all out and it felt good to say the least. Then Ivan ran over and also wrapped his arms around Misha and Sven. He didn't know how he could possibly think they weren't his friends?

Beyond The Wall {BxB} Book 1 #COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now