"Two years have gone by since the unexpected arrival of a meek hybrid in Shiganshina. I see he has graduated boot camp, as well done his rookie work."

Trinity nodded, eyes forward, hands clasped behind his back and feet spread apart. He made sure his body was firmly planted in place, careful not to make a movement.

"Despite a rather shaky start, it appears that he has turned into a fine soldier. Do you understand that you now belong to the military and that you are willing to undergo any physicals as you are a special circumstance?"

Trinity nodded. "Yes, sir, I do."

The judge sitting on the bench nodded, gazing at him from over the frame of his glasses before shooting his aging hazel eyes to the papers in his crinkling hands. "Despite test failures in the past, the military has placed you as their Titan informant. Do you understand that? Do you also understand you're responsible for tracking Titans and therefore, responsible for the lives of the Survey Corps?"

"Yes, sir." His voice carried confidentially across the room. He no longer shook in his boots. He no longer had to be afraid as he learned the hard way that being afraid never got anybody important anywhere. With his head held high and eyes gleaming, he felt he was ready. He felt human and it was invigorating. He was the shortest boy of his squad but, that's ok. He was no longer skin and bones at least. Trinity was kept well fed to keep his cannibalistic hunger down in permanent hibernation. He still consumed human flesh but it was of the freshly deceased. Because of his body being so well kept, lean muscle filled in quickly with the help of rigorous exercise.

The judge smiled. Trinity recognized him as the judge from a couple years back. The same judge who court ordered him to Commander Arik's care. Speaking of, he hasn't seen the man around for awhile. Trinity never spoke to him after their little tryst in the stables. What good would bringing it up do? Yeah, it still stung but, what's done is done. He understands he's still serving as Commander of the Survey Corps but his whereabouts, at least in Shiganshina, were sparse to nonexistent. Some questions will just have to forever remain unanswered.

"It's good to see how good 2 years has been to you, young man." The old man smiled, to which Trinity beamed.

"Well, squad leader Trevor Castel will take you in as part of his squad. Sven Stiles will remain as your mentor. Dismissed."


Over the couple years of boot camp, Trinity got to understand Sven better. Sven taught him his tactics and knowledge while Trinity had been ignorant to such human skills. Hell, he almost failed the hand to hand combat but, thanks to Sven's asshole attitude, Trinity passed. Sven tried to get him to understand his view point of the world but Trinity brushed it off, claiming his views to be "selfish" and "callous". Aside from bickering from time to time, they got close enough to label each other as friends. Even Sven didn't consider Ivan or Misha friends so it was news to everybody in their graduating class. They laughed and butted heads but, Sven didn't mind the kid.

"So, how did it go?" Sven moved over on the bench for Trinity, who dropped his tray of cooked flesh onto the lunch table.

"Well enough, I suppose. Just was a check up on my welfare and to remind me what my purpose was." Trinity shrugged as he tore a bite out of his food. He had been waiting all day for this. They had a long mission that would go on all night so he needed to stock his belly.

"Got it. So, any news on what's been going on in Trost?"

Despite 2 years of zero Titan activity, something had caused a panic in the Trost district. A big enough panic that forced people out of their city and into neighboring villages and cities. Upon arrival in Shiganshina, most of the refugees were caked in blood and refused to speak about what happened so it was safe to assume Titans had somehow appeared in or just outside of Trost. There shouldn't be anymore Titans in the wall. Each wall had been scrapped and rebuilt, taking advantage of the 2 year of Titan free terror. Of course, the builders had to work fast just in case. Nonetheless, there shouldn't be titans inside any longer. What happened all those years ago was fixed. No Titans were holed up in the walls anymore.

Beyond The Wall {BxB} Book 1 #COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now