The sound of the rain hitting the tree canopies high above was natures lullaby. The sound was a soft, little pitter patter hitting the ripe green leaves. He didn't see the rain as a sign of sadness, opposite of a bad omen. But, the gentleness of mother natures tears couldn't even soothe the ongoing war in the distance. The sound of canons booming, the distant wails from the helpless, and the roars of those monstrous titans filled the air. He was amazed he could hear it from this far out but, alas, there was no one around here but him to hear it. He couldn't complain. Besides, it's not like they could help it. "They" being the ones at war. Humans versus Titans in another all out, holocaust; the humans being the ones being sent to their deaths. And he had a front seat to the merciless carnage. 

He couldn't remember how he got his name but, it was Trinity. He wasn't quite sure if there was a meaning, but it simply identified him. Trinity stood at the mouth of the dense forest, staring in the direction of the wall. The wall they call Maria. What was it's purpose? Was it supposed to keep out what was already inside: conflicting circumstances? What good did it do but further divide them? Why are they so afraid and paranoid? A slight warm breeze from the west blew through his silver strands of hair, caressing his delicately high cheek bones, and stroking his porcelain skin. It was a beautiful feeling just realizing the amount of freedom he has in this open land that seemed to go on for eternity towards the overcast horizon. Just to run around with the wind at his back with no thought of consequence was just freeing. 

The taste of flesh hung on the back of his tongue and he couldn't figure out. It didn't taste like anything he has hunted. Not fish, deer, and certainly not turkey. It was a little salty but the taste had a lingering chewy feeling. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, however; just staring at the wall just ahead seemed to trigger the taste. It wasn't a pleasant taste. Not at all. He shuddered just thinking too much about what he could've possibly eaten and put the mystery aside. He w-

"This way!" A man screamed, pulling Trinity's attention away from the wall. The sound of horses galloping followed the yell.

"Oh no." He whispered and turned back into the forest. He didn't want to be caught for fear he might be killed just for being out here. He began climbing a tree, attempting to get high enough that he may not be seen. He scaled up to the top and hid behind the layers of pines. As the sound of horses' hooves beating the ground closer, so did the sound of metal against wood. He lived here in this part of the country side long enough to recognize the sound: they brought those contraptions that gave these humans the ability to fly through the air. Now his chances of getting spotted were higher. He stuck his index finger and thumb in his mouth, just under his tongue and whistled. He pulled his black hood up, pulling his cloak closer to his naked form. The familiar loud stomping brought a smile to his lips. He scaled up onto a taller tree, digging his nails into the wood to drag himself up, ignoring the little splinters of wood puncturing his finger nail beds. He stood on an outreaching branch just as the mini army of humans in green cloaks on horses passed underneath. 

"A titan incoming!" That same voice yelled from the back of the pack. "Oh shit, a 20 meter titan!"

The sound of metal screeching against metal hit the ear drum wrong, causing Trinity to cringe. His eyes spotted humans flying across the air, using hooks, reels, and gas. With his hood up and cloak pulled close, they shouldn't be able to see him just barely standing in the shadows. The stomps turned to thunder claps as the titan closed in. Trinity closed his eyes, sucking in a deep breath, before running towards the end of the branch and pushed off with his feet, propelling his body through the air, the wind pushing his hood off his head. And with perfect calculation, he landed onto the right shoulder of the passing titan. Trinity grabbed onto a lock of dark hair flowing from the titans head as it continued running, trampling every human in its path, ignoring the blood shed below. Trinity smiled, relieved that his buddy didn't want to consume any human from down below. But, the humans flying through the air with their blades were the problematics. He knew where they were attempting to aim and that was at the nape of the titans neck. Thankfully, they were being swatted away with blinding quick speed by the titan. 

Beyond The Wall {BxB} Book 1 #COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now