Main Story: 04

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"Seokjin hyung... did you eat the dinner I made?"

He paused and wiped his eyes with his sleeves after he read the text from Namjoon, right. He needs to eat. Well, Woojin told him so, if he wants to keep making stories.

Seokjin sat on the head chair and stared at his food. He was in a daze, no doubt. A lot of things are in this mind right now, and it's low-key frustrating him that these things distract him from eating his heart out.

He spent about five minutes staring into thin air before he softly lifts his chopsticks up and took a mouthful of the noodles.

His stomach rumbled in appreciation.


Seokjin's eyes flicker to the edge of his screen after good two hours of writing, it's almost midnight, one more day and Autumn will start. He tried to focus back on writing but another thing bothered him.

Namjoon hasn't returned yet.

Which is unusal, usually Namjoon ends the gatherings before the clock even reached 11, which, with the words that came directly from Namjoon's mouth, was because he doesn't want to 'keep his lovely Seokjin waiting for him home alone'. Seokjin got used to it, and now that it's late and neither Woojin nor Namjoon had messaged him really bugged the writer.

Seokjin pushed the laptop slightly away from him and stood up to the fridge. He should calm down, he had been constantly distracted ever since Namjoon came to live with him and only the five nights when Namjoon had left for gatherings that he had the chance to clear his thoughts.

But tonight, Namjoon's absence made him uneasy and nervous, for some reason.

He was about to take a sip of cold water when his phone rang with the tone he set for Woojin, surprising him and making him nearly drop the cup. What the heck?

Seokjin swiftly took his phone from the breakfast stool and answered the call. "Hello? Woojin? Where are you two?! It's late!--" He was cut short by Woojin whose voice sounded like a mix of panting and nervousness.

"Seokjin.. Namjoon might not be able to go home for tonight, or for a few days..." He trailed off, already expecting an outburst from his friend.

He mentally counted from three and exactly at one, Seokjin found himself screeching. "HA?! WHY?!?! Woojin I swear if you got the two of you in trouble again I won't bail you guys out this time--"

"Nononono Seokjin listen! We aren't in a precinct... Well earlier I was but right now we're in a hospital..." Woojin took a deep breath and slowly said his next words, not sure on how Seokjin will react.

"Namjoon, he got mugged on the way back to the car... And, well one of them stabbed him." He took Seeokjin's silence as a bad sign, but nevertheless, he continued. "He's already lost so much blood."

On the other end of the line, it was a good thing that the glass Seokjin was holding earlier was placed down on the table, or else he would have dropped it. He can't believe his ears, a month of living with the guy, and after six nights that he had to leave he ends up getting stabbed.


Seokjin snapped out of it when heard his own car door slam shut, Woojin mentioned that Namjoon lost so much blood and all he knows is that it made him more worried than he was earlier.

"Woojin, where are you?"



march 31, 2017

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