Chapter 4

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"You down for lunch?" Someone asked as they knocked on my room door. I recognized the voice on the other side of the door, Lauren.

I walked to my door and swung it open. "Totally." I smiled.

"It's just going to be you, me and Veronica, is that okay?" Lauren asked me as I stepped out of my room, shutting the door behind me as it clicked shut.

"Yeah, who else would come?" I asked her.

"My other two best friends, well, they're Veronica's best friends too." She smiled.

"Oh, gotcha." I nodded as we walked down the stairs to the main floor, heading into the lobby area. "What are the other two named?"

"Hunter Reynolds and Romeo Beckham." She said nonchalantly.

"The Beckham kid." I said as I nodded my head, remembering that we already talked about him.

"Yeah, him." She laughed as we walked past the front desk and out the door.

A girl with just below the shoulder length, light brown hair was standing in a coat and mittens, smiling at Lauren. "V!" Lauren practically shouted as she leaped into the girls arms.

"Hey Laur!" The girl, who I assume is Veronica, smiled at Lauren as they stopped hugging.

"How was South Carolina?" Lauren asked her as we started to walk again towards the gates. I just stood next to them as we walked, silent.

"Great! I got to see my mom and dad and grandma and grandpa and Josie and everyone I wanted to see, except you, Romeo, and Hunter. But my break was still great, you know-" I stopped listening after hearing all that. I would never admit this out loud, but I was actually pretty bored of this girls talking.

"Harper!" Lauren continued saying as she waved her hands in my face.

"Huh, what?" I asked her, pulled out of my bored thoughts.

"You wouldn't answer us!" Lauren laughed as she glanced at Veronica.

"Sorry." I frowned.

"Don't be." Lauren smiled. "Anyways, Harper Collins, meet Veronica Shillings, Veronica Shillings, meet Harper Collins."

Veronica reached her hand out and shook mine. "South Carolina, tenth grade, second year here."

"New York. Tenth grade. First year here." I responded.

"Nice, welcome." She smiled. Her teeth were straight and super white.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

"Breakfast at Millie's and then meet Romeo back at school after? His plane flies in at eleven." Veronica asked both of us. Well, she asked Lauren, but she glanced at me while she was asking the question like I had a say in it.

"Sounds great to me." Lauren grinned. I felt like a third wheel as we walked down the beautiful streets of Paris. "Anything sound good to me, as long as I get fed, i'm starving. How about you, Harper?"


"We love Mille's." Lauren said as Veronica buzzed her card in, unlocking the gates. "Romeo should be here by now."

"But we still have to find out what room he is in, i'll send him a text and ask." Veronica answered.

I haven't said a thing this whole time, not since we left the Restaurant. Except when they asked me about my parents, and Nina and Eric.

"My parents sent me here because they were getting a divorce and didn't want me to be in the middle of it." Veronica said with a monotone voice.

"My parents sent me here because they wanted me to see what's out there, what's outside of New York, I guess." I shrugged.

"My parents sent me here because I begged them." Lauren laughed.

We got to the door and Lauren held the door open for Veronica and me. "Thank you." We said in unison as we slid through into the lobby area of the girls dorm headquarters.

"I just going to grab my purse, then we can go to the boys dorms and see if Romeo is in yet." Veronica said as we made our way to the elevator. She pressed the fourth floor and we went up.

"Her rooms white." Lauren said, giving me a grossed out look as Veronica unlocked her door.

"It's not that bad." I shrugged as I looked at her room.

"Not that bad?" She joked.

"Not bad at all." I corrected myself.

She turned and smiled at me. "I'm kidding, I'm not a fan of it at all, but thank you."

I looked around as she searched for her purse in her closet. She had one direction posters all over her room. "Aren't they like practically broken up?" I asked her.

She stopped searching for her bag and stared at me. "I don't want to talk about it."

Lauren let out a snort and made her way back to the door. "Could you take any longer, Veronica?"

"Could you be any more impatient, Lauren?" Veronica spat back. "Found it!" She finally said as she pulled out a brown, small bag.

"All that searching... for that?" Lauren had a disgusted look on her face as she stared at the small brown bag.

"Are we going over to Romeo's or not?" Veronica asked.

"We are." Lauren responded as she yanked open the door, "We have to introduce him to Harper."

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