Chapter 44

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*Skipped to end of school year*

"Hopefully i'll see you junior year." Lauren said as she walked away from my dorm. The last time I will see her for a while since the school year is over, the best school year in my life.

I looked at all the boxes in my dorm room. My room that was once filled and decorated, but now it was clean, empty and looked just like it did the first day I saw it, well other than the small hole in the wall that Romeo put when he fell and his ankle crashed into the wall.

I laughed as that memory resurfaced in my head. All the memories I had made at this school were unforgettable, memories that would make me smile, but also made me sad as I thought about them back in my penthouse in New York.

"Are you willing to talk now?" Romeo asked me as he walked into my room.

"There is nothing left to talk about, you said what you were thinking, and so we decided to end our friendship, is there anything else to talk about?" I said, avoiding eye contact with him.

"That was three months ago, I was hurt, can you blame me?"

"Yes actually, I can." I said as I angrily zipped my suitcase, almost breaking the zipper.

"Harper, I said I was sorry!"

"And I said I don't care what you are, because what you really are is a jerk."

"We can't end this school year like this." Romeo said as he finally came into my field of vision.

"How else would you like to end this school year?" I asked him, finally making eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry, okay!" Romeo said as he stared into my eyes. "I should have respected your relationship with Eric, but I liked you then, and I was younger and let my feelings for you, that I promise I don't have anymore, get in the way of the more important thing, our friendship."

"You're the reason that Eric and I broke up, how am I suppose to forgive you for that?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow. "I need to pack and get out of here, you should go."


"I forgive you, okay?" I lied. "Now will you go?"

"Yeah, sure." He said as he made his way towards the door. "But will you answer one question for me before I go?"

"Anything just to get you out of here." I rolled my eyes as I once again turned to make eye contact with him.

"Why were you so willing to give Eric a second chance, but never willing to even give us a chance?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged.

"Yes you do," He said as he walked closer to me. "I know you do, because you always know what everyone is talking about, and you always have a reason, and an opinion, on everything."

"Because Eric was my first love, and he was going to be my last if it wasn't for you."

"Who are you lying to, me or yourself?" Romeo asked. He touched my hand and I quickly pulled my hand away from his. "For once in your life, i'm going to tell you what you're thinking, instead of you telling everyone else what's going on in that head of yours, okay?"

I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous he sounded. "You can try."

"I think you were so willing to give Eric a second chance because you thought you loved him, but we all know you didn't love him, you just loved the idea of your first love being your last."

I raised my eyebrow, pretending I wasn't listening to him, but I was.

"He broke your heart."

"No he didn't!" I cut him off.

"Let me finish." He shushed me. "He broke your heart so bad that you don't want to let yourself love again, love someone like me, someone who is so far away."

"You're wrong."

"But i'm not, and you know it!" Romeo continued to argue.

"Then where's your proof?" I asked. "And make it choppy, my plane leaves in an hour and i'm not in the mood to miss it for you."

Romeo leaned in and kissed me, the second boy I have ever kissed in my life. I wanted to say I hated it, that it was the worst kiss ever since it was out of the blue and surprised me, and I hate surprises, but I didn't hate the kiss. And as much as I wanted to, I didn't hate Romeo, either.

"Is that enough proof for you, or will I have to kiss you again?" Romeo smirked.

"That's enough proof, no need to kiss me again!" I put my hands up and backed away from him.

Romeo laughed as I tripped over the suitcase behind you, my heart racing as I tried to gather my thoughts again. 

"Actually I guess one more kiss wouldn't hurt." I said as I approached him again, both of us smiling as we kissed again, completely ignoring my phone timer that was yelling at me to get to the airport, completely ignoring all the issues we have had in the past few months, completely ignoring everything, and just enjoying each others company in my small dorm room, before we had to go our separate ways and end something that just started, something that the two of us would do all that was in our power so that this spark we both had felt since the first day we met, the spark we had avoided for so long, would not go out in a blink of an eye.


A/N: I know it's sudden, but I thought it was time to put this story to rest, but don't worry, I have an idea for a sequel, and I am willing to start another book, so it could possibly be a sequel to this one if you guys want one, or maybe a brand new book, I haven't decided yet!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Much love,


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