Chapter 43

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"Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us." Raven, the mid-thirties interviewer said to me as she extended her hand to me. I shook it and smiled at her.

"No problem, thanks for having me."

"Now I understand you have grown up in a wealthy family, now is it weird for you to go from having everything you want, to being completely on your own in a different country?" Raven asked me.

"I feel like it should have been harder for me, but I have such great friends that they made the transition to Paris and a new school so much easier."

"Now when you say friends, who are you referring to?"

"My closest friends at school, Lauren, Veronica, Hunter and Romeo." I smiled.

"Oh of course, Romeo Beckham, who you were spotted with one night going to the theater." All I did was nod in response, not in the mood to have to kill the mood by telling her that that night at the theater was not a date. "Now I understand he has returned to school shortly after the plane crash he was recently in."

"Yes, and he has been back for about a month, and he is all caught up on work and is doing great, almost completely back to normal." I informed her.

"Now I have some pictures here from your last trip to New York, and if you don't mind me asking, who is this boy you were spotted with?" The reporter grinned as she handed me a stack of photos of myself from my last trip to New York.

"Oh, that would be Eric." I smiled as I scanned the stack then handed it back to her.

"Now what do you have to say about him?" She asked.

"He's very sweet and understanding, and we have none each other for a very long time, so it's very easy to joke and laugh with him."

"That is so sweet, it's great to see you being happy as you grow up and mature."

"That means a lot, thank you." I grinned.

"Now just so that me and you, and all of our viewers," She pointed to the camera that had been live-streaming the whole interview, "Will you set the record straight on your current relationship status?"

I flipped my hair nervously and put my hands together, "Of course!"

"Now are you currently dating Romeo Beckham like everyone is saying, or are you not?" The interviewer asked.

Everybody had been asking this question, but it hadn't been answered by Romeo or I yet.

I took a deep breath, "I am currently not dating Romeo Beckham." I said officially for the first time ever.

"So you are a single lady?" Raven giggled.

"Actually, i'm not."

Raven's eyebrows shot up. "You aren't?"

"Nope, i'm not, and for the first time ever I am willing to come out and say that I am currently dating Eric, the boy in all the pictures everyone has been seeing recently, we have been dating since I went back to New York over Christmas break."

"Wow!" Raven said, shocked. "Well you heard it first here, folks. Young Harper Collins is taken, but by an old friend named Eric, not Romeo Beckham."

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