Chapter 14

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I woke up to a sound of a door slamming. "Sorry, I was trying not to wake you." Romeo frowned as he shook his wet hair to get the excess water out.

"It's fine." I said in a drowsy voice as I yawned. "WAIT, what time is it?" I asked as I jumped out of bed.

I opened up the curtains to reveal the bright sun. "Nine-thirty, sorry I didn't mean to sleep over I just fell asleep during mean girls."

I put my head in my hands, in attempt to take all this in. "Don't worry," Romeo said as he put a hand up. "I slept on the couch, I promise."

"That's not it, I just don't know what to tell Lauren and Veronica, they can't see you." I frowned.

"I'll sneak out."

"And if they ask questions?"

"I stayed the night at a hotel." Romeo grinned.


"Want to grab breakfast at the pancake place?" Romeo asked as he put on his shoes at the door.

"Sure, ten o'clock?" I asked.

"Yup, it's a date." Romeo smiled. "I mean, um, see you there."

I couldn't help but giggle at him. "See you there." He twisted the door handle.

"Remember, sneak out!" I reminded him as he was about to leave.

"You're acting like we actually did something, but don't worry, I already sent to the group chat that I stayed at a hotel in town." Romeo reassured me.

"Good, see you at ten." I smiled as I got out of bed and closed the curtains again.

"Romeo?!" I heard a voice say in the hallway.

"Darn it." I said to myself as I rushed to lean my ear against the door to hear who it was.

"Thought you stayed at a hotel last night, not in Harper's room?" I could tell it was Lauren.

"I stopped by this morning to ask Harper to breakfast, care to join us?" Romeo asked.

"Yes, nice save." I smiled to myself.

"I can't, I'm already going to breakfast with Veronica. Next time?" Lauren asked.

"Next time." Romeo answered.

Then I heard steps go down the hallway. Then I heard Romeo say, "Ten o'clock." Right next to my door.

I didn't answer, but I smiled as I started to get dressed and laugh at how Romeo came up with such a great excuse.

As soon as I got out of the shower my computer started to go off. The name "Nina" popped up on the screen, she wanted to facetime.

"Harperrrr!!" Nina said as soon as I answered the call.

"Hey Nin!" I smiled.

"What's up? We haven't talked in a while!" Nina asked me.

"Well everything is going great, I got through my first week of school here, and now I'm about to head out to go to breakfast." I informed my little sister as I braided my hair and threw on skinny jeans, a black top and a black coat since it was a little cold out.

"Breakfast? With who?" Nina asked.

"Just a friend from school." I shrugged.

"A boy friend?" Nina smirked.

"No, not a boyfriend!" I argued. "Just a kid I met who's in my friend group here."

"You have friends?" Nina joked.

"Yes I do, speaking of friends, I have to go meet up with one right now." I said as I was about to hang up on her.

"Wait!" Nina practically yelled. "At least give me a name!"

"Romeo Beckham." I said quickly.

All Nina could do before I broke up was scream. And as I grabbed my purse and opened my dorm room door, my computer started to ring again, Nina calling me again.

I just smiled and walked out the door.

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