Chapter 17

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I was awoken by a knock at my door. I turned to look at the clock on my bedside table, "one pm?!" I said to myself as I jumped out of my bed and hustled to the door.

"Hey why didn't you text me back?" The last person I wanted to see today said to me. "Did you just wake up?"

"What are you doing here, Romeo?" I asked as I stared at my nails, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Coming to check in on you since you haven't answered anyone's texts."

"I was sleeping."

"Yeah, speaking of that." Romeo looked concerned, "Are you okay? You never sleep in, not until one in the afternoon at least." I couldn't help but look at his hands that were holding something behind his back.

"Don't you have better things to be doing? Like color coordinating with Kylie for the dance?" I shrugged, trying to play it cool even though anger had been coursing through my veins for the last 15 hours.

"Huh?" Was all Romeo said as a confused look spread across his face.

"You know, you asking your ex Kylie to the dance, "for old times sake", ring a bell?" I questioned him.

"What's your problem?" Romeo asked as he raised his voice.

"My problem? What's yours, Romeo?" I shouted back. As he went to open his mouth I attempted to slam the door in his face, but before I could he stuck his arm out to stop the door.

"You want to know why I was talking to Kylie, and lying to everyone saying that I was asking her to the dance?"

I slowly let the door open again so that Romeo and I were once again face to face. "Go on."

"I lied to everyone so that it wouldn't get out that I was asking Kylie for a favor." Romeo explained.

"A favor?" I mocked him.

"Let me finish." I nodded in response. "I lied because Kylie used to work at the theater in town, and I would have preferred that the rumor went around that I was asking Kylie to the dance than the truth that I was convincing her to get us tickets to tonight's sold out showing of the play, 'Romeo and Juliet' before I could tell you, I didn't want to ruin the surprise."

I couldn't believe what I just heard, my heart broke into a million pieces and the anger changed from hating Romeo, to hating myself. "Romeo-" I started.

Romeo shoved the two tickets to the play, 'Romeo and Juliet' into my hands. "You said you weren't really the dance kind of girl, but I still believed you deserved to have as memorable of a night as all those other girls." He said as he walked away from me, his head hanging low.

I wanted to chase after him and apologize, I wanted to cry to him about how sorry I was and how much I liked him, but I also wanted him to be okay, and at that moment as I watched him walk into the stairwell, I knew he wasn't.

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