Chapter 25

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"Wait, you guys can't be serious, right?" I asked shocked.

"Why would I be waving a key to the library in your face if we were kidding?" Lauren asked me, both of their faces completely serious.

"No, we can't, that is so against the rules it's ridiculous!" I said, shocked.

"Harper, sweetheart, we did the same exact thing last year!" Lauren said as she put an arm on my shoulder. I looked over to Veronica and she just nodded at me in agreement.

"I don't care! I'm not breaking into a stupid library!"

"It's not breaking in if you have a key!" Lauren said as she walked to the library door and inserted the key. She twisted the door handle and her and Veronica looked back at me. "Do you want to pass your midterms or not?"

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I said as I frowned at them.

"Not if you hurry up and get in here!"

I looked back into the courtyard one last time, making sure nobody saw me before I ran into the library.

"Was that really that bad?" Lauren asked me as we set all of our stuff down at a table. It was almost pitch black, but Lauren had set up a small flashlight in the middle of the table.

"Yeah, it kind of was!" I said as I sat down and pulled out my history book.

"I don't even think we have campus security, and it's after school hours so we'll be fine!" Veronica reassured me as they pulled out books out of their bags.

I smiled and tried to get the thought of getting caught out of my head. "You still look uneasy about all of this, c'mon, Harp, it's okay!"

"Yeah, I know, it's just still a little creepy!" I responded.

"Here we have access to the computers that have the exam study guide answers on them." Veronica smiled as she pointed to the computers that were right next to us.

"Oh thank goodness!" I smiled as I got up and walked over to the computer and pressed the on button.

After a few seconds a bright light illuminated the room and the computer made a piano sound meaning it was turning on.

"Hey, Harp?" Lauren asked me as her and Veronica were sitting behind me at the table while I was at the computer.

"Yeah?" I responded as I tapped my fingers.

"Once you log into your school account can you give me the answers to the health study guide, I don't want to look through this vividly-detailed book!" She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." I laughed as I logged into my school account on the computer.

"This might be one of my favorite traditions we created here!" Veronica smiled at Lauren.

"Mine too, I'm glad we got to add someone new this year!" Lauren said, talking about me.

The computer made another beeping noise as it logged me in. I went to the "subject midterm" search bar, scanning the class study guide answers it had to offer.

"Hey, Laur?" I said, my eyes glued to the computer. "What was the class you wanted me to get the study guide answers to again?" I asked her as I continued to scroll through the classes.

As soon as I finished that sentenced a door flew open with a loud bang and another light lit up part of the room. "Campus security, stay where you're at and put your hands up!"

All three of us froze in our tracks. I turned to look at Lauren and Veronica with a scared look on my face. "Run!" Lauren whispered as we all got up and ran towards the entrance we came in, I looked back to see the campus securities flashlight getting close to us, and there was another light I could see as we ran out of the library and put into the cold December air.

It took me a second to realize, that the second light was the computer, the computer that I had just logged into.

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