Chapter 10

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"Okay Romeo, I've called you after every hour and you still haven't answered, after this class is over I'm coming to your dorm." Lauren said sternly into the phone.

"Ahem." Veronica cleared her throat.

"We are coming to your room." Lauren corrected herself. "So there's your heads up." She ended the call.

"Are we actually going down there?" I asked Lauren as I tried to keep up, she was practically running down the hall to our next hour with Veronica.

"Yes we're going, after this hour. Romeo never does stuff like this." Lauren said over her shoulder as we walked into our sixth hour just before the bell rang.

"I thought I would get you as a student." The teacher said to Lauren as we took our seats. "This class should be easy, as long as you do your homework and study."

*end of class period*

"Lauren we will get there when we get there, could you please slow down?!" Veronica asked as she ran to try to keep up with Lauren. I'm a fast walker, so it didn't really effect me, but Veronica was huffing and puffing behind us.

"What if he's dead?" Lauren said as we made our way to the boys dorms.

"Don't be ridiculous." Veronica said, even though I could hear the worry in her voice.

"He probably just slept in." I offered so that they would not freak out.

"But you don't know Romeo," Lauren said as she yanked open the door to the boys dorms. "He doesn't sleep in."

I nodded in response as we fast walked to the front desk. "Hi, we are looking for Romeo Beckham's room." Lauren said sternly to the front desk guy.

"Romeo Beckham?" The guy asked, we all quickly nodded in response. "Room 303, third floor should be one of the first rooms you see on the left."

"Thank you so much." Veronica said as we all made our way to the elevator.

"Elevator takes too long, stairs." Lauren pointed to the door that lead to the staircase.

"I love Romeo but I am not taking the stairs in these wedges." Veronica pointed to her shoes and frowned.

"I'll go with you." I sighed as I stepped out of the elevator and waved goodbye to Veronica as Lauren and I entered the staircase.

"Room 303, right?" Lauren asked as we rushed up the stairs.

"I think so." I answered as we finally made it to the third floor.

As we stumbled out of the staircase we bumped into a tall boy who had a coffee in his hand, "girls, hey." He smiled at us.

Lauren quickly shoved him, giving him a "get out of our way." As he fell into the wall.

"Ouch." I said to myself as she found room 303 and started to pound on it.

"Romeo you open this door right now!"

After a minute of pounding the door finally slightly opened up, showing only a tiny part of Romeo's face.

"What do you want?" Romeo asked quietly as he hid behind the door.

"I want to stand here until I'm eighty stating at your cheek, open the door!" Lauren shoved at the door and it went wide open.

I stepped into the room behind Lauren as I heard Veronica running down the hall, her wedges clunking with every step.

"What did I miss?" She asked as she stepped into his room.

Romeo's room was all packed up, like he hasn't even unpacked yet, and he looked out of sorts, his hair was a mess and his eyes were heavy with thick black bags underneath them. "Have you not unpacked yet?" I asked him as I continued to look around at the brown boxes.

"I have," He answered. "I just packed back up."

"Why would you pack back up?" Veronica asked.

"Because I'm going back to England." He said as he looked down at his feet.

"What?" Lauren gasped, "Why?"

"Kylie and I broke up." He frowned.

"Romeo," Lauren said as the mean look swept off her face. She put her arm on Romeo's shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

"She broke up with me." He said as he flopped back down on the bed. "Said she was over it, I was boring to her now and she found someone new."

"What a no good bit-" Lauren started before I cut her off saying, "who would ever say that?"

"Kylie." Veronica said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well who needs her?" I asked as I sat on the edge of Romeo's bed. "You were most likely too good for her anyways."

"We used to have back to school parties, the first week of school, that Friday we would have a party in my dorm, and we had it all planned out, and now it's just, over, she is going to have her own party probably." He frowned as he shoved a pillow onto the ground.

"Why don't we throw a party on Friday?" I asked.

"Because we don't throw parties. We do our homework and study. Parties don't get you A's, Harper." Lauren answered.

"Actually, that sounds like a great idea." Veronica smiled.

"I don't know guys." Romeo said as he turned on his side.

"But you do know!" I smiled, "We could make Kylie so jealous because she wasn't invited, c'mon!"

"Explain to me again why I hang out with you guys?" Lauren said as she rolled her eyes.

I squeezed Romeo's hand, "It will be great!"

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