Chapter 7

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"You're going to love it!" Lauren said for the tenth time to me as we made our way towards the Eiffel Tower. I could see it in the distance but we still had a little ways to walk.

"I'm sure she knows that she's 'going to love it!' by now, Lauren!" Romeo smiled, and I couldn't help but laugh because what he said was so true. Lauren gave him a dirty look but shook it off and continued to blab on about how she misses her apartment in New York but she has always loved Paris and wants to live here.

"Tell us about your life at home, Harper." Veronica piped in.

"Well, there's not really much to say, I have two younger siblings named Nina and Eric, my best friend since third grades name is Lydia, and I have a really adorable nephew named Matt who I love."

"I have a sister named Harper!" Romeo randomly said.

"Aw," I smiled.

"He also has an older brother named Brooklyn, a younger brother named Cruz, and rich parents who are also famous!" Lauren said sarcastically.

"They're not." Romeo argued, he looked a little uncomfortable.

"Your mom was a spice girl!" Veronica laughed.

"And don't forget your dad, the super, amazing, soccer playing David Beckham!" Lauren added in.

"I don't like to talk about my parents, and their fame, and their money." Romeo said as he rubbed his shoulder. "None of that matters to me, I came here to be normal, but Lauren over there," He pointed to Lauren and she smiled. "won't let me do that!"

"I'd tell everyone if I had money like you." Lauren laughed. "'What would you like on your sandwich?' 'I don't care, i'm rich!'"

"Enough." Romeo said after he gave out a small laugh.

"The Eiffel Tower isn't that far away." Romeo smiled at me as we passed a tourist taking a picture of an old building as he chomped on a hot dog that was overflowing with mustard.

"I hate mustard." I send in a quiet voice.

"How? You and Romeo both hate mustard and I don't know how!" Veronica said, shocked.

"I've never liked it." I shrugged.

"I've never liked it either." Romeo added.

"Almost there." Lauren hummed.

"Tell Harper about Kylie." Veronica randomly blurted.

"Why?" Lauren asked with a disgusted expression plastered on her face.

"Why not?" Veronica shot back.

"Um, okay." Romeo cleared his throat before continuing. "We started dating in the winter of last year when it was my first year and her second, she is now a junior and applied to the art program, and got in. She is originally from Minnesota and she is about to be seventeen on Halloween."

"Are you having another costume party with her like last year?" Lauren asked.

"We haven't really talked about anything like that yet." Here we go again, Romeo seems uncomfortable.

"Do you guys even talk at all anymore?" Lauren asked, raising her voice.

"Obviously we talk!" Romeo answered a little too quickly, "Things have just been, well, tough. I mean, we're both really busy."

"We're here." Veronica said.

"I feel like you are so closed off to us now, like last year you told us everything, and now it seems like you're having issues with the, well I would assume love of your life, and it's like we're not even best friends and you can't tell us anything!" Lauren argued.

"We aren't having issues, I would tell you if we were!" Romeo argued back.

"Guys, we're here."

"Would you though? Because I feel like you wouldn't." Lauren continued, both completely ignoring Veronica.

I looked up and took in the up close and personal view of the Eiffel Tower. It was so large and beautiful, and very well made. It was a dream come true to actually see it in person, and not just in pictures.

I heard Lauren and Romeo continue to bicker in the background, but I shook it off. I wasn't going to stand in the front of the Eiffel Tower and only listen to two kids argue about ones love life and how he could open up more.

I looked back at Romeo and Lauren and they were still arguing. Then I looked back at Veronica. She had completely given up trying to get their attention, and she was now scrolling through her phone.

I shrugged them off and started walking towards the entrance of the Eiffel Tower. I mean in my defense, it was on the 'places to go in Paris alone' website.

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