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"Come on Elaineeeee," Blair mumbled getting extremely close to my face. I could smell the booze on her breathe. "Its just one, little, drink. Itll be fun! Gosh Elaine don't you ever have fun?" She asked not actually wanting to hear the answer.

"Blair I told you, I've got Harvard on the line. Getting caught with alcohol could mess up my whole plan. But, I am fine with being here doing my job as your best friend, and keeping you safe. And, as your best friend, I'm telling you it's time to go home." I explain to her.
"What??? No!! It can't be! It's only..." she said looking around frantically searching for her watch.
"Blair," I started, reaching down and grabbing her wrist bringing it to her face.
"Woah! Where did you get that watch? I have the same one!" She said surprised, "well, I did have the same one, but I can't seem to find it. Wait a minute!" She said, I rolled my eyes at her sudden realization. "Did you take my watch?"
"Okayyy," I said grabbing Blairs arm and helping her up, "it is time to go home."
"You know," she started, " I think you mighttttt be right, I need to get home and find my watch."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I helped Blair navigate through the strangers house. We got out to my car and I buckled her into the passenger seat.

We got back to my house and I tucked her into my bed with me.

"You know what Elaine?" Blair started, "you are an awesome friend. I love you" she slurs as she reaches over and hugs me.
"I love ya too Blair" I say.
"Oh and one more thing," she says.
"Yeah?" I ask
"Tomorrow can you help me find my watch?" She asks me, tiredness lacing her voice.
"Yes, I'll help you find your watch" I say chuckling, "Goodnight Blair."

Unlikely, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now