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*So i know this chapter is short & a huggee cliffhanger but i wont be able to update again tonight, so sorry. Pls dont hate me🙏🏼😅💕*

*Alex's POV*
We got into my car and Elaine pointed me to her house.

"So uh, which way now?" I said, looking over at Elaine who was passed out in the passenger seat. Damn, okay i guess ill just take her to my house for the night.

We drove for about another 5 minutes until we finally got to my house. I pulled into the drive way and walked around to the passenger side where Elaine was. I unbuckled her and carried her into my house wedding style. My parents were off on a business trip so i wouldnt have to explain this to them. I carried her up the stairs to my room and set her down carefully on my bed. I took off my shirt and threw on a pair of comfy shorts. I carefully slid off Elaines shirt and shorts and slid my black Thrasher hoodie over her head. I covered her up, then i layed down at the opposite end of the bed and drifted off to sleep.

*Elaines POV*
I opened my eyes and looked around, Where the heck am I? I thought to myself. I started shivering, its really cold in here. I sat up and looked around, i was wearing a black Thrasher hoodie, Alex's? I looked at the end of the bed and saw Alex, sound asleep. I got out from under the covers and crawled down to where Alex was. I got under the covers, cuddled up to Alex's warm body and fell back asleep.

*Justin's POV*
"Do you wanna get out of here?" I heard Elaine say to Alex.
"Yeah, sure." He answered.

I got up and shook my hair back into place.

What just happened? Why were Elaine and Alex together? She saw me with Raegan, she probably hates me now. Ughh.

I walk out of the room and down stairs. I grabbed my coat and headed out the door.

"Babe, where are you going?" I heard Raegan say.
"Im, im just going home. Ive had a long day." I answered.
"Oh, are you okay?" He asked me, concern lacing his voice, i could smell the liquor on his breath.
"No, not really, but i cant talk to you about it right now, youre drunk. Ill call you tomorrow, okay?" I said.
"Okay, but if you need anything im here alright?" He said.
"Alright." I responded, walking out the door.

I got in my car and started driving. I didnt know where i was going i just kept driving. My eyes got blurry and i remembered that i had had a few drinks earlier that night. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times trying to get the blurriness to go away. Suddenly i heard a loud ringing in my ears and saw two blindingly bright white lights in front of my car.

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