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*Justins POV*
Danny picked me up and drove me home. By the time he got there it was about 1am, he didn't want me to get in trouble so he snuck out and didn't tell the parents where he was going.

*Danny's POV*
"Alright Justin," I whispered, "come on" I said as I put his arm around my shoulder to help him walk through the yard and to the door, he was pretty much fine when I picked him up, I think the alcohol is just now hitting him.
"But whyyy" he said.
"Why what?" I asked.
"Whyyyy Alex?" He asked, stretching out the y and saying "Alex" with a disgusted tone in his voice.
"Alex who?" I asked, stoping and looking at him, suddenly curious.
"Erin!!" He yelled and I shushed him, "duhhhh" he said a little more quiet.
"What did he do?" I asked. I know Justin's drunk and I'm sortaaaa taking advantage of him, but who cares.
"HE took Elaine from me." He said pouting and sticking out his bottom lip.

Wait what? Justin is gay isn't he? What happened to Raegan, and who is Elaine anyway?

"Justin." I said "Who's Elaine?"
"What?" He asked, confused, "ohhhhh Elaine" he said, smiling like an idiot.

Unlikely, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now