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*Elaine's POV*
Justin and I had almost the exact same schedule, except we had different teachers for algebra, but besides that we had every class together which was cool because we got to hang out a lot today. I really like him, he's so cool and cute, and nice, and oh my god his eyes. His perfect green eyes that i get lost in every time i see him. And today when we were skipping class, I actually had a really good time with him. And surprisingly i dont even feel bad for skipping, i mean hes right, study hall and homeroom dont even really matter.

"So theres this party tonight at the Beast house, we have to go! Everyone cool will be there." Blair said, breaking me from my thoughts.
"Ah, i dont know Blair, its a school night and idk.." I said.
"Come on Elaine!" She whined, "Cant you have any fun?"
"Hey Elaine" I heard Justin say as he walked up beside me and Blair.
"Hey Justin" i responded.
"Ill just leave you two alone." Blair said smirking and running ahead to catch up with some other friends.
"So uh, what are you doing tonight?" Justin asked me.

Omg is he going to ask me out?? No duh, of course hes not why would he want to date you.

"Uh nothing i dont think, why?" I responded casually.
"Well i heard about this party tonight and i was wondering if you were going?" He asked, "Its sorta like a back to school thing, it should be a lot of fun and it would be way better if you went."

Awhh he does want me to go??

"Yeah uh, i mean sure, sounds great." I answered nervously.
"Great," he smiled, "Ill pick you up around 8?" He said as he ran up and caught up with his brother.

Wait, hell pick me up? Omg IS this a date?

I stood there with my mouth wide open, a huge smile spreading contagiously across my face.

Blair and I got in the car and drove away. When we got home i got out and ran into the house, i searched through all my clothes until i found something good enough for tonight.

"What add you doing?" Blair asked laughing as she came in and saw me covered in all my clothes and my hair a mess.
"blair, i need help" i sighed and laughed.
"With..?" She asked.
I sighed, "Well, if im going to this party im going to atleast look good."
"Wait what?" She asked confused, "Youre going now?"
"Yep." I smiled.
"Why the sudden change of mind?" She asked as she set down on my bed.
"Well...." I started, "Justin sorta asked me to go with him.." I said trying to keep the smile from spreading back across my face.

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