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"Morning Blair!" I yelled loudly sitting on top of her.
She crinkled her face up and whispered "God Elaine! Why do you have to yell?"
"Because I know you're having a hangover, and this is payback. But I'm done now. And here is some ibuprofen and water." I laughed, "now get up we're going shopping."
"Elaineee," she groaned, "I hate you so much." She chuckled as she swallowed the pills and took the water.
"I love you too" I cheerfully giggled as I left the room.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped. I hopped into the shower and started washing my hair.

I finished up and reached out to grab a towel. I wrapped it around myself and walked back into my bedroom to find Blair asleep again.


I went to my closet and threw on a black tank top, some ripped white skinny jeans, and a black Falling In Reverse hoodie. I brushed out my long brown, naturally wavy hair.

"Blairrr," I whispered, "Come on get up, school starts tomorrow and we have to go shopping." She didn't move at all. "Blair, if you get up right now and get ready we can stop at McDick's and get Frappés on the wayyyy"
"IM UP" she yelled. "But I want a large." She continued as she went over to the closet and picked out some clothes.

She eventually settled on a pair of black leggings and a white Pierce The Veil hoodie. I threw on my black converse and she borrowed my white ones.

I grabbed the keys and we drove off, Blair in the passenger seat. She plugged her phone into the aux and started playing music. On the way we stopped at McDonalds to get the frappés and then went straight to the mall.

I pulled into the parking lot by Jc Penny's and we got out of the car and went into the store.

"So uh, where first?" I asked Blair, who was attempting to shield the sun from her eyes.
"Well, there's Rue 21" she offered.
"Oooooo" I squealed and started walking to the store, Blair following.

We left the store and headed towards Hot Topic. I picked out a few new band hoodies and shirts and we left. The last store we had to go to was Pink. All I got there were a few bras, underwear and one shirt. Blair on the other hand spent atleast 300 dollars just in that store.

We walked out of the store carrying our bags, me carrying one, Blair carrying about a dozen. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Okay I'm done, you?" I asked Blair. "Yeah, wanna get some food?" She answered. I nodded.

We headed for the food court and settled on Taco Bell. We sat down with our food and didn't really talk much while we were eating.

I grabbed my purse and got up to throw away my garbage. Suddenly my foot caught on another chair and I fell, spilling the contents of my purse.
"Oh god." I mumbled to myself, scrambling to grab my makeup and a few quarters that fell out. I reached for my mascara and felt another hand on mine. I looked up to see a boy with longish brown hair, amazing green eyes and a lip piercing.
"Hi I'm Justin" he smirked handing me my mascara.
"Elaine" I replied, grabbing the mascara.
We sat in a nearby table and I finished my drink as Justin finished his fries. We made up this game where we point at someone and the other person has to narrate for them.
Justin pointed at a middle aged bald man who was getting up to throw his trash away.
"Hmm my names Harry, which is ironic because I went bald at age 23." I said in an old deep voice.
We both bursted out laughing because of how bad I am at this game.

Suddenly another boy, with short reddish hair walked over.
"Hey, uh mom just called and she needs the car so we gotta get going." He said, suddenly realizing me. "Oh I'm sorry, my names Danny." He said reaching his hand out to shake mine. I took it and smiled.
"Okay well, I guess I have to get going." Justin said, "uh, I'll see you around?" He asked.
"Maybe" I giggled and walked away.

The whole drive home all I could think about was Justin. He was so cute, and funny, and nice. And I didn't even get his number, what if I never see him again? Ughhhhhh

*Justin's POV*
"So uh, who was that girl?" Danny smirked and raised his eyebrows.
"Uhhhh, that was Elaine. Just some girl I met." I answered nervously.
"Mhmm, just some girl my butt." He replied.
"What? I just met her." I said
"K" Danny said, still smirking.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Elaine, she was so pretty, and funny, and just awesome. I hope I see her again, I didn't even get her number! Holy frick why am I so dumb.

Unlikely, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now