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"Rae" pulled Justin in for a hug. And they smiled like they missed each other. Suddenly justin's lips were smushed up against the other boys.

My world started spinning.
What is happening? I thought Justin liked me, he KISSED me! Who is this boy? Is Justin gay? What?
Suddenly the room was a lot brighter and the music got louder. Everything was in slow motion and i felt like the world was ending.

I turned around and walked out the door, as i was leaving i saw Blair. She grabbed my arm and saw the tears streaming out of my eyes.
"Elaine?" She started, "whats wrong?"
"Justin" i yelled over the music, my voice shaky.
"What did he do?" She asked concerned.
"This wasnt a date, i was all wrong. Im so stupid, theres somebody else." I explained.
"Awh, im sorry El." She said sympathetically. "But you know what? You should just stay here, party! Forget about him!"
"Oh, i dont know B." I started.
"Itll help a lot." She persuaded. "Here, just take this." She said handing me a small shot glass.

Come on Elaine, you dont need to do this. Its not you, but.. Justin. How could he do this? He led me on. He made me think that he liked me. He fucking kissed me!

I grabbed the shot and swallowed it quickly in one gulp. Oh god thats terrible!

"Yeah there you go Elaine!" Blair yelled, "Woo hoo! This is gonna be so much fun!"

I smiled and followed Blair into the house. She handed me a drink and she had one in her hand too.

"One, two, three!" She yelled and we both chugged the drink on three.

Woahh this, this is wow. I like this, justin who?

I looked at the table and saw another shit glass, i grabbed it and gulped it down.

I turned around and Blair was gone. Eh, she probably just found some dude to hang out with.

Suddenly i was approached by some guy with blond hair, short in most parts with a long piece on top. He was wearing a black Thrasher shirt and smirking.

"Hey" said, still smirking, "My names Alex."
*This is Alex Erin😍*
"Im Elaine" i slurred.
"Woah, well Elaine, it seems that youre a little drunk." He chuckled.
"Nooo, i dont get drunk, im a child of god" i said gigling and putting my hands in front of me in a praying position.
"Haha, okay then Elaine" he laughed, "so uh, do you wanna go somewhere and, talk?" He asked.
"Yeah sure, just" i turned around and grabbed 2 more shots, one in each hand and i gulped both of them down.
"Now im ready" i slurred.
"Okay then" Alex chuckled grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowded living room and up the stairs.

I looked down from the top of the stairs and noticed Justin. Standing there hugging his boyfriend.

🚫Warning Minor Sexual Content🚫
I pushed Alex into the room and down onto the bed. I crawled on top of him and locked my lips with his. I moved my hands to the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off. Alex pulled away breaking he kiss.
"Elaine," Alex started, gasping for air, "Are you sure you want to do this? Youre very drunk and i jus-" I cut him off my smashing my lips back against his and he kissed back, taking this as a yes. He Leaned up, still kissing me, and pulled away. He pulled off his shirt over his neck and looked at me. He smirked and pushed me on my back. He kissed me again and and then he started kissing my neck, leaving little light purple marks. I threw my head back and a small moan escaped my lips.

Suddenly the door bursted open.
"Get the fuck off her!" The voice yelled.
I opened my eyes and saw Justin.

He pushed Alex off of me and swung his arm back and launched it towards Alex's face. Alex slanked backwards and then regained his balance, he swung towards Justin's face, knocking him to the ground. Alex pulled his arm back like he was going to hit Justin again.

"Alex stop!" I yelled, grabbing his arm.

He turned and looked at me, "Elaine im sorry, but whats happening?" He asked, out of breathe.
"I dont know, Justin has a boyfriend." I said angrily, pulling my shirt over my head and handing Alex his. I grabbed Alex's hand and lead him out of the room. I turned around and saw Justin getting up and shaking his hair back into place.

I looked away and then led Alex down the stairs, "Wanna get out of here?" I asked Alex.

Unlikely, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now