Chapter 9: September 3rd, 2011

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    Nothing was revised.


Ariana's P.O.V

"You don't understand Ariana." Pacing in front of the counter he stopped and looked at me when he realized I wasn't paying attention.

"Are you even listening to me?" Sighing I stopped typing and gave him my full attention.

"You were ranting about how your father is inviting you over to his house and how you need to look great, but the chick on your arm needs to look even greater." Sitting on the counter i spun so i was facing him again. "I don't understand because I've never been in that predicament, but i do understand because I've needed dates as badly as you do."

staring at me in confusion, he shook his head. "Arri you have to be my date."

Shaking my head I began to protest but he cut me off.

"You don't underst-"

"I just told you that I did! Look I can do with your mom, she's a nice gal, but your father? no way your on your own with that one my dude." Shaking my head, I grabbed the last stack of books and began to walk over to the shelves.

"You owe me." His voice was no longer desperate, but more intimidating.

That however didn't faze me in the least since I kept walking with the books in my hands.

"Ariana!" He called again. I began to hum and song loud enough to where he could hear me.

Let me open the book for you so you know why I can't stand his father.

Richard was one hell of a man, and when I say that I mean he understood his priorities and would always put them first.

Sometimes it's his family, sometimes his job, but most of the time some girl at the strip joint.

See, T.j's parents are divorced but every once in a while he'll call T.j and tell him he wants to see him, and because both parents have custody over him he really can't refuse.

Well he could but Richard was not one to take no for an answer. I've been at the end of his wrath, and it wasn't pretty.

The library had suddenly gone quiet. I knew this meant the worst because when T.j went quiet it was because he was going to strike a nerve that only he knew about.

And the things this kid knows.

But what he said next not only baffled me, but scared me.

"September 3rd, 2011." Tensing my body I turned around. "You don't wanna go, fine. But you know what happened that night, and why h--"

"And so do you T.j. We were both there that night so if you want to start throwing threats like your father, I suggest you thoroughly go through it." Dropping the books so they landed on the floor with a thud, I walked up to him.

"I didn't do anything." Narrowing his eyes at me he shook his head. "It was you. It was always you."

We stared at eachother a little while more before the bell to the front door rung.

"Keep telling yourself that kid." I made sure I walked with my head held high back towards the front desk.

"The tension is so thick in here. what happened?" Justin came strolling in with a smug smile on his face.

"You don't work today, what do you want." He glanced behind him to see T.j picking up the books I dropped and then turned his attention towards me. Walking closer.

"I actually came here to talk to you. What are you doing later today?" His fingers lightly brushed against mine, causing me to smile just a little.

Our of the corner of my eye I could see T.j no longer picking up the books but staring at us.

At me.

Slowing pulling my hand away I shook my head. "Sorry but I'm going out today, gotta take care of some things."

"Well when will you be done?" His eyes searched mine.

"Um I dont know. Hold on." Side stepping Justin I caught Tj's eye.

"T.j what time is that dinner date?" It was like I could see both of their expressions mirror eachother but i was only looking at T.j.

"Uh, 8. But we have to do other things in between the day." It took him a little while to say, but he forced out the words.

"Hear that? My schedule is full." Patting him on the shoulder I grabbed my bag and began to make my way out the door.


"Quit it."

"Would you just hold still for like 4 seconds?"


"Shut up."

"Ariana you have about 4 seconds to get away from me." Grabbing my wrist he shoved me.

"My bad, I'm just trying to make you look at least halfway decent." Slouching in the passenger seat I glared out the window.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about." Turning the car on he began to slowly drive away from my house that we've been sitting outside of for about 10 minutes.

"Your dad hates you more than he hates me." Turning my attention to him I shook my head. "I don't know why you focus everything to that night."

"Everyone does Ari. Your just to self centered to realize it was your fault." I stayed quite for a moment.

"Just remember your on this date with me." He smirked and shook his head. "In my home, my surroundings. So don't do anything stupid."

"T.j when was the last time you've been to your father's house?" Putting emphasis on 'father' he fell quiet and I smirked.

"Yeah so who's date is it really?"




I know I'm about as inconsistent with updating as Liza is with uploading.

I honestly hope that you guys like this chapter and sorry for the lack of revision and editing.

I'd rather update sooner with errors and mistakes than take another 7 billion years to edit and all that dumb shit.

Anyways comment and vote and just give me some feedback

Oh and I know you see how much this book is developing.



it's 11, my conference is tomorrow, I'm going to San Jose on Sunday so I have to buy all these summer shits cause my dumbass threw all the other away.

Pray for me.

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