A Simple Guide to Life {PART 1}

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The High School Student's Guide on How to Ignore the Nagging Feeling That You are in LOVE (or just have a crush), by yours truly.

1. Don't look at them, hoping they'll catch you and get the message.


-If you are like me, and suffer from this horrible thing called blushing, your face will literally set alight in front of them, especially if they catch you. But if you don't blush... CAN I BORROW YOUR FACE (or heart, or emotions, or nervous system)? If you are more the subtle person, and like letting off hints simply like this, which of course isn't a bad idea, but lethal if you are not careful. Instead, look for excuses to look at them.

-For example, if they are doing a presentation in class, stare at them, why wouldn't you, it's rude not to give people eye contact when they are talking, isn't it? Just look over at something different every now and then, just in case they see you staring at them like a cat. You don't want to creep them out.

-Or if they are asking a question or answering one, you can look at them... that's culture right. Let's just look at this person and glare daggers at them if they get the answer wrong or ask a weird question. Nooooo... don't do that! Just look back pleasantly and maybe if they see you share a smile.

-Another way to sneakily look at your crush, or love interest, is while you're walking past them. Let's say... it's lunch, you've finished eating whatever crap sandwich you've made yourself, (because let's be honest, when I make a sandwich I literally slap a piece of meat between to pieces of meat and feel like the next winner of Masterchef), or maybe a salad or left overs from last night's dinner that's slightly cold, and you're crush is still eating their lunch, and you feel the sudden urge to use the dunnies (aka Toilets), or in much nicer terms, the facilities.

You must walk past where they sit, so you do so, and while you do, you secretly look their way. If they look at you, maybe they aren't looking directly at you, and maybe at the dude behind you who just ate a canary cream. Or maybe they see you, and you quickly look away. But to be honest... what good does that do? To be honest it could make it even more obvious that you like them... or it could make them feel weird. But I think looking away is a natural response. You could always have a staring competition with them, daring them to look away with the POWER OF YOUR PUPILS AND IRISES!

In conclusion, be stealthy, subtle, discreet. Unless you are that type of person that doesn't care if people know who you like, good on you, because why should people care anyway?

2. Write or Talk about it. Communication with those you trust.


What is that I hear you say? "That's not ignoring!". Well, your true, you got me there. It is simply a... suggestion... on how to deal with this weird fuzziness you get in your stomach whenever you see a certain person, or the strange sense of disappointment you get when you realise they are not at school that day.

I find that writing helps me, because it lets me untangle the huge knot of emotions I am holding on my chest. For example, if you look at a lot of my previous chapters, I have written stuff that I needed to get out. And I posted them... online... to a lot of people I haven't seen face to face... oh yeah, this is WATTPAD! WE DO THE STRANGE, BECAUSE WE FEEL LIKE IT! You don't even have to be that clear about what you are saying, do it how you want to, use fake names, address the situation and even write about how you could solve the tricky problem you're facing. Problem is, sometimes, you want it to be fixed in real life. Which is where I have to step aside, as we are getting totally off topic. If you are in love, tell somebody you trust, whether it be your awesome followers on wattpad (love ya'll), or a family member.

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