{chapter one}

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Lola's pov
Hey, my name is Lola Smiths. I am a 16 year old girl who has a huge crush on my best friend. The problem is that I haven't seen him in 7 years. Yeah. Sucks right? Basically my whole childhood was him. We lived across the street from each other. We would do everything together. We would run off to somewhere new everyday where no one can stop us and tell us what to do. I remember when I first saw him

At that time we were 9 years old. He got out of the car with the moving van behind. He stroked he fingers through his hair and smiled at his new house that his family had moved in. Also the house across from my house. I stood there watching him help his family carry the boxes inside.

He took one glance at me and smiled. I was being such an idiot that as soon as he saw me i ran right inside my house and hid under my blanket. I peeked out of my window and smiled like a big fat dork. Gladly, he smiled back.

One day I decided to ride my bike somewhere I have never been. A place week here I can be free. I glanced over at the boy's house and he was standing in front of it with his bike.

"The name is Joey" he smiled

"Lola" I smiled back while hopping onto my bike

He smiled then got on his bike and ride with me

From then on we became really close. At the age of 12 I suggested him to try the app musically. It took him awhile to agree but soon he finally had the guts and tried it.

By that night he called me then minutes later he climbed through my window like he always does wearing a black hood. He showed me his phone and stuck it right in front of my face.

"Joey, thats just picture of you" I said

"Yeah. On the Internet" he said

I scrunched my nose up in confusion then took his phone off his hand then scrolled through the page.

"Joey, you're famous" I gasped

"I know"

"Joey, you have like 500k on musically"

"I know"

"Joey, you're zipper is unzipped"

"I kn- oh, thank you" he said as his zipped up his pants

Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs

"Joey, you need to go" I rushed as I gave his phone back

"But I needed to tell you something else" he whined

"Joey, my mum is coming to check on me so go" I said

"No. I want to stay" he whined

I sighed then stuffed pillows under the covers so it would look like I was sleeping. Then dragged him out the window then jumped off the roof.

"Bad girl" he smirked

I flipped my hair

"No need to tell me that, babe" I joked

We took our bikes then rode off

The path started to get rockier and trees started forming as we rode along
This was or quiet place. It maybe just grass, rocks and trees but its also our world

"Yo Jo Jo" I said

He lifted his head up

"Whats wrong?" I asked

He sighed

"Its one of the things I wanted to tell you......" He mumbled with his voice trailing off

"What is it?" I asked

It will get better soon. I promise

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