{chapter two}

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Still 7 years ago
Joey's pov

"What is it?" She asked curiously

I sighed

"Lola, remember how I mover here from north Carolina?" I asked

"Yeah....." She replied

"I have to go back there" I mumbled

Her eyes widen and she let out a little gasp

"B-but why?" She shuttered

"Um... My mum and dad are in an argument right now. I think its gonna turn out bad. They probably gonna divorce even. My mum, Bella and Sophie and maybe Scott and I are gonna leave for north Carolina soon if they actually spilt " I sighed

"Oh" was all she managed to let out

"So it may or may not be my last night here" I added

There was silence for the first time with her. It looks like she was thinking or something.  I really dont wanna go tho. I just hope my parents figure this whole thing out.

"Lets not think about this ok. If we dont then we will end up crying" she sniffled

Tears started forming her eyes and my vision became blurry

We pulled each other quickly into a hug as she cried in my shoulder

"Im gonna miss you, scaredy cat" she giggled

Yeah scaredy cat is the nickname she gave me. Im scared of everything. Basically the opposite of lola.

"Im gonna miss you too, bright eyes" I chuckled

We pulled away from the hug

"Race you" I smirked while getting back on my bike

"Wait no, thats not fair. We both know you're faster" lola whined

"Yeah, that means you better get started then" I said before riding off

"Joey!!" She yelled from behind

I paddled on my bike. Faster and faster every second. I went as fast as I could to our little oak tree as I breathed heavily with the wind flowing through my hair.

I finally reached the oak tree then rested my hands on it. I looked for lola and still no sign.

Ha I bet her again

"Hello, Joseph" lola giggled

I looked around in shock. Where is she?!

"Lola?! Where the heck are you?" I panicked

"Up here, scaredy cat" she smirked

I looked up to the oak tree and saw her sitting on a branch, swinging her legs from above

How the fudge?! I always beat her

"I win" she smiled

"But how?!" I asked

"I have my ways, birlem" she smirked

I chuckled

"Come on up" she said

I looked back up again. Wow thats high

"Dont tell m you're still afraid of heights, scaredy cat?"

"Pft no its just I-I like it down here" I lied

"Come on" she whined

"Its nice up here. You can see everything. Joey pleaseeeeee"

"I dont know........"

"Come on, scaredy cat. There's nothing to worry about. I will pretect you, you little baby"

"Thats what im worried about" I joked

"Just come on, joey. Yolo right? Risk it because it might as well be your last night out here" she whined then sighed the last part

"Arg! Fine. Ok, my hero" I mocked as I slid my hands on the tree

I put my leg up and climbed

"Dont look down" she said

I looked up

"Or is it up?"

I looked down

"Ahh!" I squeaked

"Sorry sorry I meant down. Dont look down"

"Hey, hero?" I said

"Yes?" She asked

I finally made it where she was. The top. She patted a spot next to her for me to sit down and I obeyed

I sighed in relief

"Aren't I suppose to be your hero?" I asked

"Why? Is it because im a girl and you're a boy?" She questioned

Lola is always like that. Shes a girl for women's rights. One day I reckon shes gonna win that. Shes gonna be the most powerfulest women wit the biggest heart. Thats what makes her so powerful. I admire that from her.

"No no of course not"

"Then why is that?" She asked

"Its because I want to be your hero"

"And save me from myself" she huffed

"Not at all. Why would you want to be saver from yourself?" I asked

"Because look at me, joey, look at me. Im nothing" she mumbled

"You are not just nothing, lola! In fact you're the opposite of that"

"What is the opposite if that?" She asked





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