{chapter eleven}

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Joey's pov

"Last question, lola" I asked staring deeply into her eyes

"Yeah?" Lola said with her warm smile

Gosh I love this girl

"Would you go out with me?" I asked

Oh shoot what did I do?

"What?" She asked surprised


I put her own on the floor carefully

"Uh um...i asked, can I-i mean can you...uh...i mean" i shuttered. "So hows your hand. Is it feeling better?" I asked awkwardly trying to avoid what just happened

She shook her head in disbelief before replying "um..yeah I guess. Thanks joey" she said as she scanned her wrist 

"No problem" I chuckled nervously "no problem at all" I mumbled

"Joey....." She sighed

How could I be such an idiot? Shes my best friend. She likes someone else. I left her and to think if I asked her out she would say yes. Arg im such a fool. I was this close to ruining our friendship. What we have is special. How can I be so selfish and almost ruin that.

"Im sorry just please tell me you didn't hear what I just said before" I said looking down

"I didn't hear that." She said


"I just told you a lie" she said


My eyes grew the size of watermelons. She heard. Oh gosh. Shes my best friend. My freakin best friend. Nothing more nothing less. Or so I thought..

"Lola, let just forget everything that happened in the last few seconds" I blushed

"Why do you want me to forget so bad?" She chuckled. "Honestly its fine, joey"

"So you don't think im a total weirdo?" I asked looking back into her eyes

She held my face and kissed the side of my cheeks which made me burn up. "You're still a weirdo. You're just.......my weirdo I guess" she smiled

End of chapter
I just really wanted to update
Gonna take a nap now since im jetlagged

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