{chapter thirty}

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"Promise you wont forget about me" his eyes pleaded with tears forcing to roll.

I let in then out a deep breath. "I promise" I cracked a smile

"This is it then" he sighed, looking down at his feet. "I cant believe this" he mumbled

"Im sorry, joey. I just don't think a long distance relationship is long to work. Who knows when we would see each other again" . It hurt me to say this to him but its life right? Life goes on. I cant just let him wait for me. He has so much to live for, just without me. I guess we weren't destined to be together.

"You're breaking up with me" he let out a sarcastic laugh. "Wow, lola. You really think we cant do this?" He questioned

"It didn't work last time" I started to sob. "You never answered my calls or text joey"

"That doesn't mean I forgot about you, lola" he said softly, holding both my hands

"It felt like you did" I mumbled with my voice cracking

"I could never forget about you. I care about you"

"But do you love me, joey?" I asked, looking at him in the eyes. I've been the only one saying the I love you all this time. Those three words together have never came out if his mouth to me. I've been starting to over think if he actually loves me or not. Why cant he just say it if he does?

But yet again

He didn't answer.

My heart shatters

"I have to go" I quietly said, trying my best to cover my face.

He didn't say a word

Nor come after me after I left his house

I walked back into my house. Single and broken hearted. So empty I felt. And its all be of him.

I walked up to my empty bedroom looking at it one last time. It might not have a bed, or a desk but its sure is filled with a heck load of memories.

"Lola, dear. Its time to go" my mum shouted from downstairs. I closed my eyes and let a breath out from my nose. Fair well rooms, Fair well bathrooms, fair well living room, fair well kitchen and fair well house. You will be missed

I hopped inside my mums car, placing my bag in front of my feet

"You ready?" She asked with concern written all over her face

I nodded. "Yeah" I breathed out

Joey's pov

"You idiot!" My sister, Sophia yelled. "Im so embarrassed to have you as a brother. Do you know how heartbreaking it is to not say goodbye. Lola might not even come back!"

She's right. "You're wrong. Watch. She will come back" I scoffed, acting like i dont care

"She'll come back alright" she bitterly laughed. "With a husband and a new born baby"

Crap. I didn't think of that. "You're lying"

"Joey, that's how life works. Did you at least say I love you?" She asked

She going to freak

I shook my head in full honestly

"Oh my freaking heck!" She yelled and yanked her hair. "Im going to ask mum if she could disown you"

"What was I suppose to do?! Even if I said it, it would probably mean nothing to her since she's leaving. Its useless!" I groaned

"Its not useless when you truly love her, joey" she said with disappointment

As much as I hate to admit that my siblings are right I have to one this one.

"You're right.." I mumbled

"Im sorry but what was that?" She asked like she didn't hear

"You're right! Im an idiot for not chasing after her or not confessing my love for her" I growled in frustration and stuffed my face in my hands

"Its too late joey. She's probably at the airport already"

Or maybe its not too late...

"Pass me my keys"

Lola's pov

"Lola Smiths. A girl who I admire" joeys voice rung through my earphones as I dragged my luggage behind me on the cold airport grounds. I decided to listen to his project he sent me instead of watch it. Seeing him again just makes me miss him more but listening to it just makes me miss him 100 times more. Im not the smartest

"Shes smart, loyal, kind" he continued. "And definitely the most beautiful girl that has ever walked on this earth" I smiled. Gosh I miss him. I wiped away a tear as my mum looked at me with a concerned look again

I nodded at her to signal to her that im okay. "Im mad for her and I adore everything about her. Her laugh, her smile, her cute dimples....."

We entered the plane looking for our seats

"I just want to spend my whole life with her"

I sat down on the plane and buckled my seatbelts as my mum put our bags on the top

"I love lola Smiths. Im so damn in love with her" then the video finished

He loves me

Joeys pov

"Please don't be too late. Please don't be too late" I mumbled to myself

Why cant these legs run any faster?!

I heard the lady through the speaker telling us that a flight was about to take off. But not just any flight. Lola's flight

"No no no no" I yelled to myself and kept on running.

Im so damn stupid. I want to punch myself until I force myself to jump into a grave

"Almost there" I said to myself as I got to the boarding area. "Come on lola"

I love lola. I love lola smiths

I finally made it

But once I was there, no place was in sight

I was too late

The end
Bonus chapter?

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