{chapter fourteen}

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Lola's pov
The rest of the day was really awkward for me, but to joey he looks like nothing had happened. Of course it would be really awkward. I have no idea why joey was so layed back about it. It probably meant nothing to him.

"Look lola " he whispered

"Cool" was all I said not bearing to look

"Lo " he whispered again. It had to be something. He hasn't called me lo in ages. I lazily turned my head towards him

"Yeah, Jo?" I murmured

"I think I've made a new friend" he chuckled lightly, looking down on his fingers which had a medium sized grasshopper

I swear I felt my heart jump. "Um. Okay. Please get it away from me"

"Why? Its just like Mr G hopper " he asked

"Who?" I asked

He looked up at me weirdly and confused. "You don't remember Mr G hopper?" He asked. I shook my head no. 'Mr G hopper' sounds like a DJ who was a grasshopper. It rang a bell but I couldn't really remember

"Our first family pet" he said, trying to jog my memory

"We had a family?" I scrunched up my face. At this point my level of confusion was off the chart. We had a family?! What the what what

"Yeah. Cause we couldn't of have an enormous castle all to ourselves. So we found Mr G hopper. That's what I named him" he said with a huge smile as he looked back at the grasshopper

"Then what did I name him?" I asked

"Mr squishy"

"Now that rings a bell"

"Grasshoppers are not squishy , lo" 

"I was young"

"And dumb"

"Still am"

"That's true"

End of chapter
"I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine"
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