{chapter twenty-one}

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7 years ago

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Our teacher asked. "Lola?"

Gosh fudge nuggets. Why did she have to pick me?!

"Um...uh..." I tried saying. Lets all be real. If I say I wanted to be a lawyer, everyone would be plain on confused. As a 9 year old girl, the choices were a nurse, a vet, teacher or a ballerina. Those were the choices to be a normal girl that isn't a weird loner that likes to argue.

Although I wanted to be a lawyer, I couldn't say. I heard once that a girl said that she wanted to be a football player. Then suddenly all her friends didn't want to hang around her anymore because they didn't want a 'boy' hanging out with them.

What is the society? Sexism is taking over. Where is everyone's maternity? Everyone is acting like babies and won't stand up for what they truly want and truly are. Its just not fair-

"Lola?" My teacher snapped me out of my thoughts

Crud buckets


"I want to be a firefighter" a familiar voice said. Thank you.

"Sorry but is your name Lola, Mr Birlem?" The teacher asked

Joey shook his head. "My name is hoseph balem and I like peanut butter and honey sandwiches" he said, holding two of his fingers up to make a 'peace' sign. "You can call me hoey if you want"

The whole class laughed

I turned to face him and mouthed 'thank you'

He smiled then mouthed back 'welcome'

That. Folks, is my best friend.

Present time

We layed in my bed in silence with not even a word flew out of our mouths. Bored as heck. Tired as well. Midnight it was. Joey had snuck in again. But this time, the proper way which was the front door since he can't fit though the dang window.

"So, you still want to be a firefighter?" I asked. Hopefully it will start a conversation

He nodded and a smirk grew on his face "What can I say? I'll find something hot, then make them wet-"

"With a hose! You use a fire hose to clear out the fire" I cut him off, nervously chuckling. Disgusted in what he said

"That's totally what I meant" he grinned

"I like to keep conversations PG, Birlem"

"Fine then. I'm hose-ph balem. At your service" he winked

"You're hot when you wink like that" I said. Admiring my best friend

"And Lola, you're so beautiful" he said as he turned his body to me and layed there, fiddling with my hair


That damn ding

I checked my phone

Reminder: next debate on Friday

I groaned. I completely forgot.

I got up from my bed and walked to my desk, searching  for all my research for my next debate. Where was it? Where were those damn papers?! I checked through my shelves and below my desk. In the end, my desk was a mess. Oh no no no. It can't be........

"I left my research papers in my locker" I panicked. I think I'm going to faint

"That's no good" joey said as he lifted his head

"No good?! Joey, this is terrible! The debate is on Friday and that's the semi finals. If we don't get through semi finals then we don't get to go to grand finals and if we win grand finals, we get a scholarship to duke university. And I really really need to get into duke university!" I rambled. I don't know how joey has put up with me. I was like a headless chicken. I paced the room, back on fourth, loosing my breath from ranting. My heart was racing, my palms were sweating and-

"Lo" was all he said before turning me around and hugging me. "Its okay. Just calm down............im here for you" he said. At that moment, I felt all my muscles and bones relaxed and sunk in his body. I felt like nothing else mattered at the time. It was just me and him. Jo and lo

End of chapter
I suck at writing

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