{chapter twelve}

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Lola's pov

WOO! Free period.
I stacked all my books into my locker and packed my bag, getting ready for a new adventure. Every free period I have I like to make the most of it. Its been a tradition to me to have new adventures every free period at school I have. I pulled my bag out of my locker and closed my locker door quickly

"AHHH!!" I screamed in fright

"Well hello lola" joey grinned as he leaned against the locker next to mine. I rolled my eyes jokingly and a smile spread ed across my face immediately after

"Where are you off to?" He asked as I swung my bag on my shoulder. "Surely you DONT need that much equipment in your bag"

"Im off to go find your brain. I'll be back probably in 50 years" I joked

"Aren't you already too occupied with finding your heart?" He snapped back

I raised one eyebrow. "Good comeback, birlem" I grinned

"Only learnt from the best" he winked

"So I heard you're dating mitchie" I said as I felt my heart drown. Always hearing joey with another girl breaks my heart in a way. Im his best friend. Wouldn't I feel happy for him?

He rolled his eyes. "That's just a rumour going around. Her friends thought I kissed her forehead when really she literally walked into me causing her forehead to hurt my lips and make my teeth bleed" he explained


"You sure are a magnet around here. You liked and girls yet?" I asked

"Well I wouldn't say girls because this girl has never actually left my mind" he said


He chuckled. "Yeah" he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"So tell me about this girl"

"I actually asked this girl out yesterday" he blushed

My heart started racing

"Weird. Because didn't you ask me out yesterday too? " I asked. "You move on too easily" I joked

"Not really because 1) I asked only one girl our yesterday and 2) I never actually moved on" he said

"Are you calling me a boy?" I yelled

"No, of course not. Lola, Im saying-

Then suddenly I heard the bus from outside park

"Oh shoot I have to go" I mumbled

"Where?" He asked

"Who knows where" I responded as I started speed walking

"Can I come with?" He asked joining me

"That's if you're fast enough to come with me on the same bus" I smirked and started running away

End of chapter

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