·{ Hoodie }·

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Jonathan's POV

The day went on with nothing of importance happening. I heard whispers about me and my sister here and there. People commenting on our appearances and how we have acted so far. Me apparently being tall, mysterious, and handsome even though I have kept my head down and hood up most of the day. My sister being the awkward, pretty girl who tripped over her own foot while walking into a classroom.

That's what I heard and on Jackie's part I agree with them. She is a very awkward person naturally, like me, but she takes it to a whole new level. She is pretty and she reminds me of our dad. Light brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin and a whole lot of freckles scattered across her face. She is slim and barely has any muscle, kind of like how my body looked before the whole thing...with the words and shit.

My face shape was like our dads, a sharp jaw line. My hair and eyes however are like my mom's. Dark brown, almost black hair and crystal blue eyes. I also have freckles, but they are mainly on my nose and only a couple on my cheeks.

Jackie and I were blessed enough not to have to deal with acne. Probably one of the few things I am thankful for when it comes to my appearance.

I shake my thoughts from my head as they had gotten way off track and I didn't want to go any further with the whole appearance thing.

I lean on a wall in a hallway I found that was quite deserted, probably one that isn't used much anymore. It was quiet and I liked that. Being able to skim through different things on my phone in peace. I packed a simple sandwich that I ate at the beginning, but by now it was done.

The muffled voice in the back of my head telling me I am not hungry and that I don't need to eat. That I'll gain weight if I do.

"Hey!" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I peer up to see a two girls standing there. One with long blonde hair loosely falling onto her breasts that have clearly had some work done to them. They are practically on full display too with the shirt that showed a little too much cleavage, and her skirt is almost short enough to show her underwear. The other girl had shoulder-length red hair that curled around her face. She didn't have much of a chest, but she still wore something that tried to show her (lack of) cleavage, and her shorts being so short that they look like they are giving her a wedgie. Isn't there a dress code or something?

"Hello." I greeted them with a monotone voice. "Can I help you?"

The red-head smirked and made her way up to me, her blonde friend following close behind. The red head placed her manicured hand on my shoulder. "I don't know, can you?" She dragged her hand down my arm in clear attempt to be seductive.

"No." I deadpanned and turned back to my phone. I heard a whimper as the hand dropped from my arm. That made me internally smile because maybe now they will leave me the fuck alone.

"Can we help you then?" The blonde stepped in closer in front of me, grabbing my hoodie strings and jerking them forward so I would go towards her. My hand with my phone in it placed it in my pocket as the hood on my head tightened and since the zipper was undone the hood went right over my eyes. I grabbed the blonde's wrists gently before pulling them away from me and back to her sides. I let them go before stretching my hood back out.

The blonde's hand shot back up and moved my hood off of my head. She smirked before running a hand through my hair.

"Can you stop physically harassing me?" I question, the plain tone masking the warning behind it.

"You have been the talk of school, everyone wants to know what hides beneath that hood and now they will." The blonde pulls away and I raise my brow slightly in question, but it is quickly answered when I hear a camera click from beside me. I glance at the noise and see the red head giving me a  mischievous smirk. "You do as we say or that picture gets sent to everyone in the school."

Is she seriously trying to blackmail me with a picture? I was covering my face with my hood, yeah, but I don't care if anyone sees it. I am self-conscious about my appearance, yeah, and it annoys me that they have a picture of me, but I am not allowing myself to be blackmailed. That is showing a weakness to them and I will not allow that.

"Send it then."


After being physically harassed by some girls at lunch I went on with my day. Although something was different now.

People stared at me more, they stared longer. I heard my name more than before and more than I heard my sisters.

When I caught people's eyes I found curiosity, concern, or fear swirling in them. Why?

I had eventually decided to go into bathroom to check if there was something about my face that out them off. When I got there and pulled my hood from my face I finally got it.

There was a giant bruise on my jaw, I guess that also explains the small ache I have had all day. I thought maybe it was a cavity or something inside my mouth. Nope just a bruise. A giant ass attention drawing bruise. Thanks mom!

I gave a groan as I rubbed my face. Imagine all the rumors of how I got it. Usually when I got a bruise on my face I would borrow my sisters make up and cover it up, but I guess I didn't notice it this morning...

Maybe Jackie did though.

Jon 🐻 - Did you know about the giant bruise on my face?

Jackie 😜 - Uh, yeah. Didn't you?

Jon 🐻 - No, I didn't. Why didn't you say anything?

She didn't answer after that so I put my phone back in my hoodie pocket. I stood there just staring at the giant bruise on my face in the mirror. My attention was only stolen from said mirror when the bathroom door opened. Revealing a short kid with black hair pulled into a man bun with shaved sides, tanned skin, big brown eyes. He looked like he belonged in a junior high, not a high school.

His eyes widened when he saw me standing there. Like he was surprised?

"Oh, uh hi. I'm Lui." Why was he introducing himself to me, and in a bathroom of all places. He came into this room for a reason, why would he introduce himself if he could ignore my existence and go straight to doing his business.

"Cool." I spoke with monotone before walking passed him and out of the bathroom, flipping my hood up at the same time. Yeah I was not having an awkward conversation with some random guy in a bathroom.

As I was walking away though someone bumped into my shoulder rather harshly. I take a glance at them and they looked like stereotypical jock. Blonde hair, blue eyes, buff body, confident stance and ego radiating off if him. "What? Problem?" The guy asks, him and his group coming to a stop in front of me. I blink a couple of times, my face showing none of the emotions mainly for the fact that I feel nothing.

"No." I spoke simply and he raised his brow at me, his muscular arms crossed over his chest as he attempted to look down upon me. It was a bit difficult to due that since I was two inches taller than his 6'0 frame.

"What was that? Did you just talk back to me?" He honestly sounds like a fifth grader trying to pick a fight with a third grader. The whole 'I am a bigger kid than you so I get to push you around' type of thing.

"Sure." I shrugged and that seemed to click something. I have said a total of two words to him and he is looking like I just offended him. I have come to the conclusion that he is a dumb ass.

He growled at me, growled, like a dog. A fucking dog.

Little bitch.

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