·{ Silence }·

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Evan's POV

It's been a week since my parents took me to this place. As soon as we got there, they left me with a simple "we love you."

From where I am now, I highly doubt those words.

This 'project' was a science experiment. This place - these 'scientists' were experimenting on teenagers...no, not just teenagers. I have seen adults walk around in their rooms. Cells, if you will.

"Evan...what do we do? Imagine how the crew feels...they don't know where we are! They are probably looking for us!" Lui rambled on and on, everyday about the same thing.

I hadn't spoken since the first test...

The tests...

Whenever we were called in for a test we had to walk into a room full of scientists. They would strap us to a chair and tell us to calm down. They checked our blood pressure, heart rate, et cetera before they injected a weird syringe into our arm. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. Afterwards they pat us on the back and sent us back to our 'room'.

Thankfully they allowed Tyler, Brock, Lui, and I to share a room. The only good part.

At lunch we are taken to a cafeteria, metal bars seperating us from another cafeteria. Supposedly on that side they have criminals. The criminals being other test subjects.

This place was messed the fuck up. I never thought this place actually existed anywhere. They had human test subjects!

"Evan...please talk..." Brock would ask me everyday, but I wouldn't mutter a word. I couldn't. My heart was breaking.

I was betrayed by my family, I lost the rest of my friends, and I lost a chance...a chance to be with Jonathan...

I hate this place with every fiber of my being.

"Imagine how they all feel!" Lui panicked, "they...oh god..." tears fell from Lui's eyes and Brock instantly acted, engulfing him in a hug.

I glanced over at Tyler, he was huddled on the bottom part of one of the bunkbeds we were given. I worried for him - I worried for everyone - but him mainly. He was in a relationship with Craig and now he can't see him.

I leaned my head against the wall. I was sitting on the cement floor near the door, waiting for the scientists to take me to testing. Fucking testing.

The door opened, me standing at this. The guy in the lab coat gave me nod and I followed him out. There was no use in fighting it. I had seen another subject fight. They got tasered and dragged away.

I entered the testing room, sitting on the chair and getting strapped down. They tested everything before putting the needle in my arm.

Once the needle pierced my skin and the syringe injected its contents into my blood stream, I screamed. Pain shot up my arm, covering every part of my body.

"Evan, this is your last test." A woman smiled down at me once the pain left me. She was cleaning my arm when she said this.

"I can leave?" I questioned, my ears being unfamiliar with my voice.

Her smile melted to a frown, "sadly not, but the needles for you are done. For now at least. Starting next week you will be in different types of tests, hopefully none as painful." I scowled at her words, standing from the chair once they unstrapped me, "this is for a good cause...eventually you will thank us. I promise."

I ignored her words, going back to my room and laying on the top bunk, the one above Tyler's.

"Evan, are you ok?" Brock's voice rung out, and I shifted in my bed. Ignoring him so I could catch sleep. Something I haven't been able to get since I got here.

I stared at the plain cement wall beside me, eventually closing my eyes to drift asleep. It didn't work. Instead, I was watching as the light ceased to be seen through my eyelids and all shuffling faded to nothing; being an indicator that it was the scheduled time for us to be asleep.

I open my eyes again, seeing nothing due to the darkness. Not that I would see anything interesting if the lights were on.

My thoughts began to wander; going to all the memories of me and my friends. The most vivid ones involving Jonathan....

Memories such as seeing him for the first time, talking to him for the first time, hearing him laugh, joking in science with him, watching movies with him...kissing him.

I miss his blue eyes, his smile, his laugh, his jokes, the way he walked, his slightly accented voice, the way he would hum when he was bored or tap his fingers. The way he would suddenly sing songs under his breath

The way his hand felt in mine.

The memory of him kept me going. Kept me stable. Allowed me to stay sane.

I felt tears roll down my face as I continue to think of him. We were so close to being together. We were so close to becoming something more than just friends.

I hugged the pillow under my head tightly, trying to fall asleep to his memory.

Once I get out of here I will find him again, no matter where he may be.

"I promise."

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