·{ Sober }·

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Jonathan's POV

I sank deeper into the comfortable bean bag chair as I watched Brock, Craig, Evan, and Lui play on the xbox. I had learnt throughout my conversation with Brian that they all had YouTube channels, a thing I didn't know existed up until now. Appearantly it was a big thing now-a-days and me not knowing ahout was a sin, based on Brian's expression when I asked what it was.

A few more cycles of us playing and I was back in the same bean bag chair listening to everyone chat.

"You fat ass! Move!" Tyler yelled at the laughing Evan who was blocking his way. Hearing that word made me gag, I hated how I always did that. I shook it off, until I heard for a second time from the same person to the same person.

I stood from the chair and made my way to the bathroom I was shown during the tour while my mouth filled with saliva. I made it time to close the door and hunch over the toilet, emptying the very little food in my stomach. Did I even eat anything?

Why was I throwing up anyway? I don't usually throw up unless the word is directed at me...I don't mean to obviously.

I sat back, leaning against the wall, staring at the toilet as I wiped my mouth on my hand. I sat for what seemed like only a couple seconds before standing and flushing the toilet, grimacing as I watched what was in my stomach swirl with the water before disappearing. I scowled as I washed my hands and mouth with the water, the disgusting taste still stuck on my tongue. I wiped the water on the towel beside the sink before opening the door while turning off the light. There stood Brock and Evan, leaning against the wall across from me.

"You alright?" Evan asked, concern lacing his voice. I blinked at him silently before glancing at Brock then back at him.

"We saw you get up, we didn't think much of it, but it has been almost 30 minutes." Brock informed me, making me stare at him with hidden shock.

"30 minutes?" I mumbled, and in response Brock nodded. I stayed silent for a bit before speaking again. "I think I am going to go." I saw a look of sadness cross Evan's features before he gave me a warm smile to cover it up.

"That is perfectly fine, just get better, ok?" I could feel the ends of my mouth pull up slightly before I nodded in agreement. Last time I heard someone say 'get better' it was my dad, he was holding my hand while I laid in the hospital bed.


He smiled a sad smile as he held my hand in his. He was mumbling things like 'thank god' and 'I love you.' It brought a smile to my face, a weak one, but a smile non the less. His eyes had small tears in them as he smiled back, kissing my hand before speaking, "you scared me so much...You scared us all so much. Jon, please never do this again...we love you just the way you are."

His phone rang from his pocket and he kept one hand holding mine as he picked his phone up with the other, clicking answer before bringing it to his ear. "I'll be there in a bit." He ended it before turning back to me, that sad smile still etched into his face. "I have to go, your mother is having troubles with the bills. I love you, get better soon my little clown." I smiled at the nickname. He used to call me it all the time when I was little. He stood from the navy blue chair before planting a kiss on my forehead and whispering "I love you" before taking his leave.

~Flashback ended~

I snapped back to reality as I heard a door open. I was standing in front of said door, Evan holding it open. I must have made my way here while reminiscing. His warm smile was still there when I looked at him. "I could walk you home. Might be more enjoyable with company."

"I am fine. Thanks for the offer though." I replied stepping out the door.

"You sure?" He asked and I stopped to face him, nodding before giving him a small smile and a wave. His smile seemed to get bigger as he waved back. "See ya!" He closed the door. I started walking again before I heard the door open again and him yell, "I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

I glanced back at him from the end of the driveway. "Yeah." I shouted back, turning away again and beginning my walk home, a smile seeming to never leave my always expressionless face.


I slowly opened the dark wooden door with a long creak. There was no other car in the driveway other than my moms and it was oddly quiet. Footsteps bounded towards me, I looked towards them and found my mother staring at me with a smile on her face.

"Welcome home Jonathan!" She cheered, that off putting smile never leaving her lips. She wasn't swaying, her words weren't slurred and her eyes weren't glossed over. I almost think that maybe she isn't drunk.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope, I am sober! I also quit my job and have decided to stay away from clubs and bars. I was thinking, I can't properly heal if I don't remember anything and the constant headaches and nausea from hangovers were not fun either. I know exactly how to heal as well! Why keep all the pain to myself when I can share the pain with the person that caused it. You." Her smile was still there, but a glare was directed at me, making me back away.

"You have already shared your pain with me." I let a scowl grace my features. My back hit the now closed door.

"I have? Well...I don't seem to remember." A sadistic smile curled her lips upwards, making my stomach churn in fear. She reached in her pocket, taking out a pocket knife as she inched closer to me. A lump formed in my throat, she has never used a knife before. I stared at it before slipping passed her and making a bolt for the stairs, running up them. A hand gripped my ankle, making me fall. I raised my arms to cover my face so they took most of the damage from the stairs. I flipped myself over and glared at the woman.

She cackled, "don't glare, Jonny. Come here." She yanked on my ankle, making me fall a couple stairs. I kicked at her hand and she pulled away with a growl of pain. "That hurt, Jonny." She glared at me as I stumbled to get back up. "If you don't let me share with you I will share with Jacqueline."

That threat made me freeze. I always did everything I could to keep this crazy woman away from my sister. I glared at the woman, I called her mother before because I thought that maybe when she was sober she would be that, but now...now she is a crazy, sadistic woman named Margaret, or Greta as everyone calls her.

I couldn't let her hurt Jacqueline, I won't. I kept a glare on her as I took out my phone, quickly typing out a message to Jacqueline.

Jon 🐻- Don't come home.

I put my phone back in my pocket, it beeped a couple times before I shut it off completely and looked at Greta. "Don't touch Jacqueline." I growled out as I stepped down the stairs towards her.

A smile curling her lips up further.

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