·{ Drunk On Laughter }·

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Jonathan's POV

I woke up due to the melodious sound of guitar stings being strummed. I shifted on the bean bag chair before lifting my head up to see where the sound was coming from. All I saw was Jackie hanging off the bed with barely audiable snores.

I rolled my eyes, standing from the bean bag with a bit of struggle due to a few bruises that were still healing. Once I did stand I stretched out any kinks in my back before making my way to the hatch leading out of the attic.

Following the music it lead me to a room, the door open just a crack. I peered inside, seeing Evan sitting on a desk chair strumming away on the guitar. The tune was quite depression, obviously he was playing out his feelings.

Why would Evan be sad?

Maybe because of what you told him the other day. He's sad he wasn't the one beating you.

I scowled at the voice in my head, instantly disagreeing with it. Evan was kind and my friend, he wouldn't wish hurt on anyone he cared about.

He doesn't care about you, Jon.

I shook my head, hoping to be rid of the voice. Thankfully it shut up long enough for me to make up my mind on what to do next.

The door creaked as I opened it, the music instantly stopped when Evan looked up at me.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He spoke kindly. He didn't allow whatever was wrong show through when he asked the question.

"Yeah, but it's fine." I stepped into the room, closing the door behind me. "Are you okay?" I asked, hoping he would tell me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He said as if it weren't a lie. I wonder how many times he has lied to people, he was clearly good at it.

"Riiight, that's why your sitting in a dark room playing a depressing song. Makes perfect sense." I spoke sarcasticly, a small smile appearing on my lips as I sat on the bed in the room. If I remember correctly from the tour this was a guest room.

He gave a half-hearted chuckle, "I'm just thinking about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" He may not want to talk about, which I will respect if he says, but until then I will question him.

"Just like...life? Heh...I know I probably sound like a stupid rich kid that doesn't know half the struggles that life can offer, but it doesn't mean I don't have any struggles at all." He placed the guitar on the ground, bringing his legs up so he could sit criss-crossed on the spinny desk chair.

I nodded for him to continue and he looked down at his hands before doing so, "Recently life has gotten a whole lot more complicated. I now have to worry about things I didn't have to before. Then I hear my friend has been going through things and I don't know how to help them..." He glanced up at me, "I'm talking about you...in case you didn't know...I don't know how to help you."

I sighed, not really wanting to talk about it now, "let's focus on what you brought up before: how has life gotten more complicated? What do you have to worry about?"

His eyes windened slightly as he began to fidget with his fingers nervously, "I...um - uh. Heh. Well-" He gulped, looking around the room.

It took him a couple seconds before he closed his eyes and breathed in and out to collect him self. He opened his eyes, clearing his throat before speaking, "W-Well as you know my parents have certain opinions on the,  uh...LGBTQ community and well...I am apart of that community..."

My eyes widened, not expecting for this to be a problem of Evan's.

He took a deep breath, "I'm gay." He looked down at his hands, biting his lip as he waited for my next words.

My next words never came. I was shocked - unable to make a sound. Evan was gay. He was gay. He had just come out to me.

This was the last thing I expected when walking into this room.

"Oh." I finally managed to get out. "Well. That's cool..."

That's cool? Really Jon? That's the best you could do? Why not say something more reassuring? Not just 'thats cool'.

"Are you mad? Disgusted? Do you hate me?" Evan worried and I instantly shook my head.

"No no, never. I'm just surprised. I never thought you of all people would be gay. No offense. I didn't mean that to be offensive- I don't mean to say no offense to you being gay because well you are gay, but like not in the bad way. I meant no offense to me saying I didn't expect you of all people to be gay because well usually hot guys aren't gay - I'm not saying gay guys aren't hot, because well they are, but-" "Jon." Evan shut up my rambling up with a chuckle. I looked at him, dropping my hands from their frozen gestures. He had a blush spread across his face for some reason.

"Yes?" I questioned, fidgeting a bit afraid he thought I was being mean. What if I said something he thought was offensive?

"Do you realize anything of what you said just then?" He quizzed, that pink blush still on his cheeks as a small, almost sheepish smile settled on his lips. He looked adorable right now. Like-

Shut up.

I ignored the voice that seems to be invading every moment of my life and instead answered Evan's question, "yes? No? Not really...?"

He let out a chuckle, "you called me hot, man. That's gay." He teased, sticking out his tongue slightly as his smile widened.

I took a moment. Had I called him hot? I mean not that I am lying because he is hot, but I don't recall telling him he is hot.

"You did when you were rambling nonsense." My eyes snapped up from my fidgetting hands, surprised and he seemed to understabd why, "you were thinking out loud, my friend."

"Thanks though, you're not too bad yourself." He winked playfully and I shifted back, hand on my chest in mock offense.

"Not too bad? I'm sorry, but have you seen me? I am a god of hotness!" I tried my hardest to keep myself from laughing, but it didn't work very well. I had bursted out laughing, Evan joining me.

"That you are, that you are." He got out through laughs.

Eventually our laughing fit subsided and we composed ourselves with small chuckles.

"That wasn't even that funny! Why were laughing for so long?" I shouted and instantly Evan started laughing again, me following his actions.

I clutched my hurting stomach and Evan had already fallen out if his chair. The door I closed earlier swung open, a confused Tyler standing in the frame.

"What the fuck?" He had obviously been woken up, and not too pleased by that.

Both Evan and I had shut up when his voiced boomed through the room. I glanced over at Evan, who's face was contorted due to him holding back laughter.

I burst out laughing yet again, falling off of the bed as I did so and that got Evan to begin laughing again as well.

A sleepy Craig appeared next to Tyler, wrapping his arms around his waist and leaning his head on his shoulder. "What is happening here?" Craig questioned as Tyler put one of his arms around Craig's shoulders.

"Two maniacs are drunk." Tyler joked, shaking his head at us before closing the door, leaving us to laugh in peace.

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