·{ CuTe }·

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Jonathan's POV

I had woken up a few minutes before my class with Evan, which I very pleased about. I guess whoeve watxhes over me decided to help out for once and wake me up from my dreamless sleep.

I limped my way over to my class, entering a couple minutes before everyone else. I sat in the back, my usual spot, and set my bag on the floor next to one of the cupboards underneath the desk surface. Shuffling sounded from beside me as I pulled my supplies out.

"Lui and Craig said you weren't in your first three classes, why?" Evan asked with concern. I had forgotten that Craig and Lui were in my classes. Lui being in Math, Craig in band, and both in my Health class.

"I skipped." I shrugged as I placed my textbook down on the clean, fake marble counter that served as our desk. Evan hummed before situating himself beside me. We were lucky that our teacher didn't have a seating plan because we got a back desk together.

I glanced up to meet Evan's brown eyes staring at me, I shifted uncomfortably on the stool before asking, "what?"

"Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says 'I think I'll have and H2O.' The second one says 'I think I'll have an H2O too' -- he died. Why?" Evan quizzed. I sighed in annoyance and he just chuckled. He did this every class, tell me science jokes and puns.

"Because H2O2 is the molecular formula for hydrogen peroxide, which will kll you if you drink it." I sighed as I tapped my fingers on the desk surface as I held my head in my hand. Evan smiled at me before nodding.

"Ok, I have another one!" I groaned after he cheered that, gently banging my head into the desk and waiting for the pain of terrible puns and jokes. I heard him chuckle as I kept my forehead on the cold surface.

"Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are CuTe," I could feel the heat creep up my neck. I know it was a joke, but it still made random butterflies appear in my stomach for a reason I don't know. His voice sounded mellifluous when he said it and I turned my head to face him, he had his head in his hand and he was looking down at me.

I decided to play along, lifting my head up and off the table I straighted myself out before leaning my head on my hand and facing Evan, "If I could make any compound, it would be Uranium Iodide, so I could put U and I togther." His expression made me chuckle. He was blushing, looking like a tomato..."You look like a tomato." I teased him as I poked his burning cheek.

He scowled and dragged his gaze to the front of the class, "so did you..." A smile was left on my face, trying to hold back the laughter that was close to escaping as he pouted, his bottom lip sticking out.

"Come on, it was all fun and games." I nugged his arm with my elbow and looked at me with sad eyes, wiping any smile I had on my face. "You okay?"

"Yeah..." He dragged out before a smile almost split his face in half, "speaking on fun and games you should come over to my house after school." He cheered.

Before I could answer the sound of somone clearing their throat echoed through the classroom, I forgot we were in class. My eyes snapped away from Evan and towards the teacher at the front.

"I was running a bit late, yes I know, but I expect for conversations to end when I walk in the room." The teacher barked at us. The thin frame of his glasses being pushed back up as he glared daggers and me and Evan. We weren't the only conversation, in fact there were still conversations going on now, much louder than us.

A few 'sorrys' were muttered throughout the classroom, one of them being Evan's. I decided to glare back, maybe he heard out conversation and thought we were gay, I mean I don't know about Evan, but I know that I am at least questioning.

See, I have been in that state for awhile now. Questioning my sexuality, it gets annoying not knowing who your supposed to like or if you even like anyone at all. If I am gay then I still wouldn't admit it, don't want word to reach my mother, she's apperantly religious and has stuff against the LGBTQ+ community which is honestly stupid.

"I thought he was going to kill us with his glare." Evan joked in a whisper from beside me. I muffled a chuckle with my hand and his head ever so slightly turned tome with the bright smile he always seems to wear. Sometimes it's unnerving, no one can be that happy or that perfect so ylthat brings me to wonder: does Evan have any secrets?

Obviously he does, everyone does, but what are his?

"Okay class, I will be handing out the feildtrip form get it filled out and handed back by tomorrow. We will be staying for five days, yes I know a long time, but look at least you don't have to attend other classes." The teacher smiled as a few of the students decided to humor him and laugh at his joke. "We are going to a camp, this camp has cabins and a lake and so on and so forth, we are returning on Saturday morning. This camp is not all fun and games! We will be studying natural chemicals, this also goes towards your outdoor education class if you signed up for it. Got it?" The students said their 'got it's' and such so the teacher would know they understood. The teacher gives a nod before handing sheets of paper out, the form.

The blue paper sat in front of me. I wanted to go because it will be time away from the home I hate so much, but I don't think Greta will be willing to sign, not only that, but Jackie might be in danger if I leave her alone.

"Are you going?" Evan questions from beside me and I turn to see a bright smile on his face, I was about to answer wity my words, but no words were being formed so I shrugged. Maybe Jackie would be ok if she stayed with one of her friends for the rest of the week, that won't be too bad, would it?

"I might..."

I didn't.



Sorry it took awhile to get this out, I have been dealing with stuff. Also sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Thank you for reading!


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