·{ 'Fat' }·

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Jonathan's POV

"Come on, you little fat ass bitch, fight me!" The jock has been taunting me with simple little words that didn't affect me, but after I hear that word I could feel my stomach churn. The sandwich that I ate for lunch slowly made its way back up, my mouth filling with saliva. I quickly dash away from the scene and back to the boys' bathroom. That Lui kid was still there, he was now joined by a tall pale guy with dark hair and another guy who was shorter than me, but taller than Lui. I ignored the stares I got from them, I had interrupted their conversation, but I didn't care. I rush into a stall and threw up the one thing I had eaten today.

I was so weak. It was a simple word. One simple word.

"Hey man, you ok?" A voice asked from behind me in a soft, cautious tone. I hummed back a reply, still sitting on my knees and leaning over the toilet. I coughed once before standing and pushing passed the people and taking a paper towel, wiping my mouth before throwing that in the garbage and washing my hands, bringing water up to my mouth re-washing my face before taking yet another paper towel to dry the water off if my pale skin.

"Was that a yes?" The same voice asked, I looked at the man closer. Broad shoulders, pale skin, brown eyes and hair. My eyes switch to the taller person- taller than me by a few inches. His hair is black, eyes green with glasses framing said eyes.

I turn my head back to the bathroom door, giving one more silent glance to the boys before pushing it open and leaving.


The rest of the school day I spent being ashamed at myself. The fact I let one simple word get to me, again.

A scowl had found its way onto my lips, seeming to stay there no matter how hard I try to make it go away. The closest I have come to making it leave was it turning to a simple and small frown. That frown staying in my lips as I walk away from the school.

I didn't wait up for Jackie, she can take the bus alone for one day. Granted it's her first day and she might be hesitate, but I am sure she will be ok once she is actually in the yellow vehicle.

"Jon!" The familiar light and soft voice carries itself through the air and into my ears as I continue my trek home. The footsteps that had sounded soon coming to a slow walk beside me. "I heard what happened. Well sort of. Rumors. People say that you got into a face off with Jameson, a jock here, and you ran away looking pale and sickly. Did you do it again? Did he say shit that made you do it again?"

I ignore her questions as I look down at my shoes. Dark blue high tops. They kind of look black to be honest. It's like my hair, but that is brown instead of blue.

"Jon!" Her voice interrupts my pointless and wandering thoughts. Not only that, but she interrupts my walking with a tug on my arm. I face her, the small frown I had falling back into the scowl as I mentally beat myself up again. I rip my arm from her grasp, refusing to take as I trudge away from her. "Jon!" She calls out again, louder, and more capable of drawing attention. I ignore her though.


20 minutes of walking and finally I made it to the house. A new and random car sitting in the driveway. Is one of those people here? The ones she brings home from work. She works during the day, occasionally bringing guys home from work to finish said work in said home. At around 6 she goes back out to get wasted at the strip club she works at, bringing more guys home around 9, beating me until whatever time, and fucking until morning.

I sigh and I slip my house key out from jean pocket and opening the door with said key. I have 20 minutes less than I usually do for my daily routine.

I quickly go upstairs, ignoring the noises and dropping my bag on the desk in my room before changing into my workout outfit; a grey zip-up hoodie and black joggers with black running shoes. I pull my hoodie sleeves up to where they bunch up at my elbows and I grab my earphones before plugging those into my phone. I jog down the stairs before leaving the house entirely, not worried about being locked out because Jackie won't be going anywhere.

I put my earphones in and skim through my phone trying to find the right playlist as I walk down my houses drive way. I eventually find what I was looking for and click play, letting the world be drowned out by the music that fills my ears as I take a jog.

I jog around the block for 30 minutes, deciding to take a break at the park I had stumbled upon. It was quite, no one really around. I walk along the grass next to sidewalk, enjoying the peaceful look of the empty park. That is soon interrupted by the sudden view of a group of teenage boys hanging around a tree. Upon further inspection I see the bathroom boy, Lui, and the two friends I also saw with him that I never learned the names of. Their laughter is extremely loud indicating that they are having a good time. I don't care if one of them sees me looking, I mean it's bound for a stranger taking a walk to look at a group of loud teenage boys.

One of them does see me, Lui, and he says something to the group before all of their eyes are on me. I slowly rip my gaze away from their group once their laughing died down. I am surprised I heard said laughing with my music in.

Honestly I wish the music did me it's job of drowning any other noise out because the next noise I hear is one I wish I didn't.


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