·{ Games }·

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Evan's POV

The following day I had high hopes that Jonathan would join us at lunch. All throughout the morning the guys said not to have my hopes so high, they doubted him showing up.

I didn't believe them until lunch. It was 10 minutes in and he was a no show so far. Doubt had gotten to me and I had only chewed on my fries in silence, listening to the guys.

I like making new friends, I like meeting new people and it makes me happy when I make other people happy. Knowing that Jonathan might not want to be my friend hurts.

That doubt was out the window when Jonathan stood beside the table, the group looking at him. I smile and pat the seat next to me, he sits there.

"Everyone meet Jonathan! Jonathan meet Tyler, Craig, Marcel, Lui, David, Brian, and Brock!" I pointed to each person when I said their name. I faced him afterwards, a smile still etched on my face.

Everyone gave a wave, a polite smile, and a greeting. Everyone except Tyler. He gave a smile and a 'Sup motherfucker.' That line made everyone chuckle, including Jonathan's his was a bit quieter than everyone elses though.

I examined him a little more while he and the guys talked. The bruise he had yesterday was gone, I don't know how though, there is a possibility that he used make up - I don't know if I believe that he would.

"Evan." I turned towards the direction my name came from, Lui. "Can I have your fries." He asked as he pointed to the tray in front of me.

I looked down to see most of my fries were still there. I had eaten some, but not all. I glance back at Lui before giving him a nod and pushing the tray to him.

"So Jonathan, play any sports?" Marcel quizzes, placing his folded hands on the table like a professional person.

"No. Not planning to either." He answers simply. The guys continue to ask him simple not too personal questions while I sit there watching him. He just sits there, his hands in his blue hoodie pockets and his face showing no emotion other than the few times a smile graces his lips at a joke one of the guys tells. It didn't reach his eyes, bet it would look beautiful if it did. I mean it looks beautiful anyway, but it's beauty would increase.

"Do you want to hang out with us after school?" Brian offers and he gives a shrug in response.

"You should! It would be so much fun!" Craig enthuses. Tyler chuckled quietly from beside him.

"I have stuff to do." He mumbled as he placed his head in his palm and looked down towards his dark blue cased phone.

"That's a bummer. You can still stop by later in the day though. Nobody really leaves until 5, and since it's Friday we will be heading to Lui's house to game." I explain as I steal a frie back from Lui. He gives me a small glare as he scoots closer to David in hopes that the tall irishman will protect the fries I gave him. David instead steals one of the fries and eats it.

"You traitor!" Lui exclaims as he leans away from David. "I trusted you!" David gives him a smile and Lui starts laughing, his laugh being contagious to David and myself.

"Jon!" A feminine voices calls out from behind us and I watch as Jonathan turns around to look, I soon follow his actions. His sister, Jacqueline I believe, skips her way closer to our circle shaped cafeteria table.

"Yeah." Was Jonathan's simple answer. He is very simple when it comes to speaking, I wonder if he has more exciting words or maybe a less dull tone.

"Cabbages?" She gave a hopeful smile as I, and I bet a few others sat there in confusion. Jonathan nodded and she beamed brightly before skipping away in joy. I turn back to the table as Jonathan did and see everyone staring at him with as much confusion as I did.

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