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Evan's POV

The scene I had to pull Jonathan away from was very surprising. I never thought that he would beat someone up like that. I also didn't expect him to keep going.

He had tried to go after the guy again, luckily me and Luke managed to pull him away before he killed the dude.

I glanced over at the blue-eyed man. He was looking down at his shoes, kicking his feet slightly.

He reminded me of an ashamed and guilty child. It was adorable to say the least.

I gave a tug to his wrist which I was still gripping. He looked up at me briefly before starting to walk the direction I can only assume is his house.

"Are you okay?" I ask, noticing the slight panic he seems to wear. He peered over at me with nervous and scared eyes. Something I never thought I'd see. He is usually quite secretive about his emotions and seeing this clear expression of fear was unnerving.

"I am fine." He lied, gaving a small, obviously fake smile to try and hide whatever he felt.

Without much thought I slipped my hand down from his wrist and into his hand, wrapping my fingers around them. I saw him tense at first, but he seemed to relax and he folded his fingers over my hand.

I was unsure if he would except holding my hand since straight guys don't do that very often, but here he is doing just that and walking down the sidewalk with me. It dawned on me that people looking at us would think we were a couple - which we are not - and possibly comment on it. This thought made my brain go into a panic.

What if someome who knows me sees this and tells my parents? What if they get the wrong idea?


I did. I let go of his hand, and he let go of mine. I knew that I had instantly missed the warmth that had engulfed my hand when he held it. I hadn't missed the flash of hurt on his face...because it was never there. He showed no emotion after I let go.

He did however smile slightly when I grabbed it again.

------Jonathan's POV------

The house came into view, it's rundown exterior making me instantly become self-conscious. Evan was rich and lived in a beautiful mansion while I live in a house resembling a pile of shit.

It's brown paint was peeling off, it's porch having holes in the old and creaky wood. The screen door had holes ripped in its screen while the door behind it had broken slivers of wood.

I looked down at our intertwined hands, smiling before realizing that this was not socially accepted around here. Besides, he was straight and if my moth- Greta found out about me not being straight I would be an even bigger disappointment to her.

Why do you care if she thinks that about you? She is a bitch. She doesn't deserve to have any opinions about you!

I got slightly startled at the voice that had echoed in my head. So much so I think I physcially jumped, making Evan look at me in concern. I gave a sheepish smile, slipping my hand from his awkwardly.

I stepped up the broken stairs of the porch, unlocking the door and holding it open for him. After he stepped in I followed his actions, closing the door as I did so.

The interior was worse than the exterior. The floors were supposed to be a white carpet, but it hardly looking the color because of stains and dirt. The most noticeable stains decorating said carpet being the ones of dried up blood from previous beatings.

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