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"Hoseok?" Yoongi said.

He's never called me Hoseok before. That's a lie he has once it was when we went to Jin's house and played truth or dare. I had to go to the bathroom but I assume he got a dare because when I came back he was walking out of a closet with Jimin. I remember there was a defining silence around me. I asked him if he was okay and he said "I'm fine Hoseok." Throughout the night I could feel the stolen glances between him and Jimin. (I'm so sorry I love my Mochi so much but...)I chose to ignore it.

"Hoseok?" He asked again.

I caught my breath and faced him with a smile. He responded with a smile, it was dimpled but it wasn't with joy.

"YoonGrouch!" I replied.

"We need to talk. It's about something serious." No wonder he was gloomy.

I walked over and sat on his lap. My elbows hanging from his shoulders. He didn't wrap his arms around my waist, he just stayed limp.
"What about?" I mimicked his seriousness in a childish manner.

"I'm serious Hoseok." There he goes again with that name. I know it's my legal name but he never calls me Hoseok in this way.

"Okay." I was now determined to find the source of his darkness.

"Can you- can you get of my lap? Please?" Why is fumbling with his words. Is something wrong?

I followed his instruction and sat myself next to him on the gray couch. My legs crossed.

"Why are you acting so strange?"

"You know I love you right?" He still refused to look at me.

"What's wrong with you? You keep on acting odd. But yes I know you love and I love you too." I replied smiling, while reaching to poke his cheek but he retreated. He usually lets me do it then smacks my hand away. He was uncomfortable.

"Is there a problem sugar?" I asked. Did I do something to make him this way?

"You know how I auditioned for BigHit yesterday." He finally faced me his eyes filled with sorrow as his lips started to form a thin line.

"Yes! And I am so happy for my lovely fiancé!" I felt a rush of joy creeping through me.

He flinched at the word fiancé.
"Well they said in order to sign with them, I need to cut off any relationships that could affect me later on. I need to start a new me." He looked down.

"Is that the problem? Don't worry you'll always have me. I mean I'm sure that they would allow you to stay with your fiancé?" I smiled at him. I was happy that he shared his conflict with me.

"Hose-" I shushed him.

"Stop calling me that! Now come on I'll make you dinner. I'm sure that'll lift your spirits."

After dinner that night Yoongi seemed anxious. So I calmed his nerves with my lips. I loved him and so I gave him all of me. I finally had sex with him after 2 years in our relationship. Don't get me started on the sex.

(I don't like smut scenes in the very first chapter so you get to suffer the pain until later on.)

I woke up that morning feeling excited. Today was the day I met with the editor of my book. I do all sorts of jobs. But I mostly dance and write. It goes hand in hand in my world.

I woke up in an empty bed.
My Grouch said he had to go to the studio early. I made my way to the kitchen. On the countertop was a note.

'I Love You.' It said.

I placed the note over my heart. "He can be so sweet sometimes."

Since the past two nights have been hectic and worrsome for Yoongi. I decided to surprise him. You see right after the meeting with my editor, which went great! I mean what more could you expect from my perfection. Anyways! I was having stomach pains. I went to the doctor and they revealed me to be pregnant! I will have a baby Suga in 9 months! The doctors said to be careful because this is a rare case of happenings and that I should not engage in physical aggression or I might end up losing my baby. "No way in hell!"

I went home that night ecstatic I figured my sugar wouldn't want me bothering him at the studio. So I prepared dinner I made ramen for the three of us. I put more on my plate because I'm pregnant which is an excuse to eat more cause ain't no party like an eating party.

I sat their waiting for the whole night. Waking up to an empty plate. Though it was mine not his.

Yoongi didn't come home that night. Or the night after. I tried calling but it said the number was not valid. I guess he didn't really need me after all. I guess he was in need for more. And we couldn't give him that.

Short ass chapters are my specialty!

Short ass chapters are my specialty!

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