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Sorry I haven't updated I've been really busy working on 3 new fics.

3rd Person POV.

"Get up you lazy ass!" Sehun said rolling Hoseok out of his bed and onto the floor.

"Why should I? I'm tired!" Whined the shorter boy.

"What do you mean tired you're debut was 2 days ago!"

"Yeah but... I- yeah I have nothing I'm just lazy." Hoseok replied body spread across the wooden floor.

"Remind me to get a carpet Sehun."

"I'm not your secretary you're perfectly capable of remembering that yourself. Now get up!" Sehun said tugging the boy up.


"How are you this heavy!" Sehun said still trying to pull Hoseok up.

"It's called muscle."

"It's called fat. Now get up we have to go they're waiting."

"Who's waiting?" Hoseok said siting up.

"You'll see when you get downstairs."

"N.O." Spells Hoseok.

Sehun reaches down and swings Hoseok over his shoulder carrying him down the stairs having to endure the punches and kicks in his chest and back.

"Finally! You know how hard it is trying to contain this boy's savage side!!! He was scrutinizing me for the way I breath for God's sake!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"You're not one to complain Channie" Sehun said confused.

"I know but- Ooooooo is this your super secret famous friend!!!!" Chanyeol whispered as if Hoseok couldn't hear him.

"You're finally here! A turtle could beat your ass by a landslide." Said Satans- Kyungsoo.

"Why are we even friends." Mumbled Sehun.

"Who said we're friends. The only reason I even talk to you is because it's regulated by contract."
Replied Kyungsoo.

"You're friends with Kyungsoo!!!!" Hoseok shouted.

"No. We're not friends." Kyungsoo explained again.

"You're Hoseok?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Sehunnie!!! He knows my name!!!!" Whisper yelled Hoseok into Sehun's ear jumping up and down on his friends back, earning him a spank from Sehun.

"Stop it! I'm too young to starts having back problems!" Hissed Sehun.


Despite Hoseok's fuss to stay on Sehun's back he eventually ended up on Chanyeol's.

"What are we doing here?" Grumbled Kyungsoo.

"Stop whining! We all know you're still salty cause Jongin's dating Krystal."

"Wha- no what about you! Your the fucker who used to get horny over a deer!" Shoots back Kyungsoo.

"He wasn't a deer! It was Luhan!"

"So you did get horny over him?" Hoseok asked.

"No! Just shut up!" Sehun defended.

"Denial's the first sign." Hoseok whispered in Chanyeol's ear the black haired male nodding in agreement.

"What do you want?" Asks Chanyeol before going to the counter.

"Carmel frappaccino." Says Kyungsoo.

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