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Just to be clear
Kookie is 19 (but will appear later)
Tae Tae is 20.
Hoseok and Jimin are 22 years old
Suga and Rapmon are 23 Seokjin is 24

And don't imagine them like they were at this age. I'll just tell you their hair colors. Then you'll know.

Don't ask me why.

Hoseok POV

The night he left was the night I gave up on love. I'm going to focus on my baby, give him the best and raise him to be better than him . I decided to calm my nerves and go out. I got up and dressed in jeans a grey shirt and a sweatshirt. Who was I trying to impress? It was chilly outside, the wind blew against my face and sent goosebumps through my body.

I entered a dark alley. There was garbage scattering the ground, the brick ground was slick and wet with rain. I've never been to this part of town. How did I even get here? I could hear heavy footsteps advancing towards me.

Why did you leave?

Yoongi POV.

Life is good. It's been 2 years since I started working with BigHit Entertainment. I have a great life, great friends, and Jimin my true love.

You see Jimin and I started dating a year ago when I collabed with him for his debut song. Already knowing each other our relationship grew. It's taken two years but I've finally moved on from Jung Hoseok. I know it was a cowardly move to leave him without a proper goodbye and I know that the fact that we were engaged made it worse. But when I look at it from perspective it was either Hoseok or my dream. I couldn't let anyone hold me back from my dreams.

I wonder how he's doing now?

(Bitch ass, stupid ass Yoongrouch being a fucking dick!)

Hobi's POV.
What happened that night set me on a path for revenge. I was going to crush Yoongi's dream like he crushed my heart. He was going to pay for what he did. He was going to pay for making me lose my baby. One way or another. A heart for a heart. A dream for a dream. A life for a life.

"Hoseok!" The dance studio materialized around me. Sehun snapping his fingers together in front of my face.

"You need to focus your debut is soon and you need to be in perfect shape!" He snapped.

"I know Sehun. Let's do it again." I sighed and got up to practice the dance for the billionth time. Focus Hoseok you need to avenge your child. You'll show him.

I practiced my heart out. Turning all my anger into energy. Every step was for my baby, every trickle of sweat for every piece of me he broke. It's time for revenge two more days. I'm currently signed under JYP Entertainment and being trained by the Exo member Sehun. Since S.M. and JYP Entertainment decided to partner up on their upcoming artist.

After practice was done it was 11:00 p.m. Two days until debut. Grabbing my satchel and putting my sweatshirt over my sweaty white shirt.I went to a coffee shop called Omela's. I am regular late night customer here.

I greet the barista with a nod as she brings me my usual order. And sets it down in the far back booth. She bows respectfully and I do the same. Just because that asshat left me doesn't mean I'm going to stop paying respects no matter who the person is.

I remove my laptop from my satchel and inserted my headphones and started editing my mixtape.

You see I kick started my career the minute Min Yoongi left me. I became an anonymous rapper releasing my mix tapes under JYP that's why they put so much effort in my training, because even though millions had heard my music nobody has ever seen me. They have never had the opportunity of meeting the perfection that is I, Jung Hoseok!

Just wait Yoongi. Enjoy your life now. I'm coming for you and their's no running away this time.

My thoughts were interrupted by the annoying an a annoying high pitched sound. I snapped back into reality it was the Anchorwoman for that celebrity news show.

Min Yoongi the famous rapper was caught celebrating his 1 year anniversary with Singer and dancer Park Jimin. Quite the couple these two make despite our doubts they are going strong and I personally can't wait to see what's in store for their future together.

In other news the Markson show is scheduled for a return (cause I'm Markson trash)......

Too bad. I know what your thinking why in the world would you want to destroy Yoonmin you monster! A heart for a heart.

Jimin's POV.

I am utterly in love with Min Yoongi. I'm in love with his black hair (black hair Suga though like sign me up!) his pale skin, his voice, everything about him! I finally have him all to myself. No paparazzi, no friends, no more Hoseok. He's finally gotten over that fool. He's all mine. I had a crush on him 2 years before Hoseok. I was the one who introduced them. Hoseok was a close friend and Yoongi was a distant one. And his distance lured me in.

I do truly feel sad for Hoseok. I mean it's been 3 years since I last saw him. I mean his Yoongi, his fiancé ran away with what I'm sure was an uncomfortable explanation. Plus from what I've heard from the others they haven't seen him since 2 months after the break up. I miss him, I miss his smile, his joy, and his and his ability to make you feel better in an instant. But I know deep inside that him disappearing wasn't an coincidence. The minute Yoongi left so did his sun. So did his smile. An event like that can either drive someone downhill or uphill.

I just wonder which path Hobi took.

Writing that chapter made me feel ecstatic. I honestly wish there was a story like this.

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