Nikki Sixx

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It was a cold and gloomy Friday evening. You and your boyfriend Nikki were sitting on the couch watching a movie just like you guys did every Friday.

"Babe hurry its about to start!" You shouted from the living room.

"Okay give me a second." He shouted as he put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

Okay here I am." He said as he plopped your self on the couch next to him.

"Good all you missed was the subtitles." You said as he placed an arm around you.

"Eh there boring anyways." He said as you snuggled closer to him.


A few minutes later you were startled by the sound of thunder outside. You got up and looked out the window to see droplets of water rolling down everywhere you looked.

"Fuck." You mumbled

"What happened." Nikki said as he got up.

"Nothing just rain." You said as a small pout formed on your face.

Nikki looked at you for a second and a small smile formed on his handsome face

"Your so cute Mackenzie you know that?" He said placing a light kiss on your forehead.

You felt your cheeks get hot and couldn't help but smile.

"I know." You said with a smirk. Nikki chuckled and sat back down on the couch.

Just as you sat back down the aroma of something burning filled the air

The popcorn!!

"Shit!" He shouted as the smoke alarm went off.

He quickly ran over to the smoke filled kitchen and then to the microwave and pulled out the now black popcorn bag.

"Fuck I'm sorry Mackenzie." He said with a frown

"It's ok it's not your fault." You said hugging him

"I love you Mackenzie." He said kissing you

"I love you to." You said with a smile

This imagine is for Dean_Sixx_1313 ❤️
I'm so sorry that this was short and for the long wait I'm sorry if this was bad 😶

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