Eric Brittingam

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For user57255744

You woke up with nausea. You quickly ran to the restroom and began to puke up everything.

This confused you.

You began to think about what you ate that could have caused this. Nothing out of the ordinary.

After brushing your teeth you popped a nausea pill and slowly crept back in to bed not wanting to wake up your husband Eric who was fast a sleep.

You planted a kiss on his forehed but right when you did that he pulled you in to his chest making you scream.

"Shh baby " he said in your ear

"Did I wake you?"

"Well I heard you puking is everything alright?"

"Um yeah." I lied.

"Are you sure."

Just as you said that you felt a piercing pain in your stomach

You wrapped your arms around your stomach it was a pain you've never experience before. It was like a knife piercing through your stomach.

You fell to the ground Eric ran over to you.

"Call an ambulance" you mumbled before passing out.

You felt yourself moving. Everything was still blurry. You were pretty sure you were in the ambulance.

You looked up and saw your husband Eric looking down at you.

"Darling are you okay can you hear me?"
He said as he squeezed your hand.

You nodded.

He looked you deep in the eyes and kissed you softly.

"Step away from her please." The paramedic said.

"No I will not leave her!"

"Sir please its for her own safety and we are almost at the hospital."

Eric just looked at him then looked at you before backing away. You just wanted him.

At the hospital you were rushed through the halls and put in a hospital room.

"Where am I?" You said weakly.

"In the hospital." The paramedic said as he was helping you on the hospital bed.

"Where's my husband?"

"Outside." He said as he walked out.

As if on que when he walked out a female doctor walked in.

"Hi my name is Doctor Ralphy i'll be taking care of you today." She said.

"Whats wrong with me?" Why am I in so much pain?" You said

Well that's because Mrs. Brittingam you're pregnant!" She said cheerfully.

You had no clue how to react. You felt your heart stop.

"How was this even possible??" You said out loud.

"Well I mean circle of life." She said with a smile.

"I'll be back with all your stuff for this new pregnancy." She said as she walked out of the room.

Eric walked up to you and hugged you.

"So is my love gonna be alright." He said playing with your hair.

"I don't know actually exactly but I have some good news."

"What exactly is the good news?"  He said with a concerned face.

"Eric i'm pregnant." You said nervously.

You saw as his face went expressionless. Its as if the joy had just disappeared from his

"Really?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes..." You said starting to grow moire worried.

"Baby I don't think that this is a great ide-


"Because i'm not ready! Why do we need kids to bombard our lives!?"

Wow. You can't believe what he just said.

"You've been talking about having kids for years!"

"Well I never said I wanted them now it was for later in the future!"

You couldn't believe this it was like a million bricks fell on your heart.

"Get out." you said as tears ran down your face.

"Baby I-

"I said get out!"

You watched as he walked out. You were burning with anger. You still were in shock but whatever.

You were gonna raise this new angel with or without him. He's the burden.

Wow! You guys have been requesting like wildfire! Lmao so yes I will love to get all your requests out but pleaseeeeee im begging BE PATIENT with me. The only time I have to write these is weekends and before I go to bed lol so yes dont worry they will be out soon!

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