Cliff Burton #2

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For SLASH___

"Hurry up we're waiting on you sis!" Your older brother James shouted at you.

You just rolled your eyes at him and continued packing your suitcase.

"If I really was eager to go on this trip I would pack faster." You said

"Well its not my fault you have to come but too bad." He said walking out.

Everyone was in their moods right now due to it being so early in the morning. James was the worst when he was in a bad mood.

You were finally done packing and you tried to haul your suitcases down stairs which was pretty difficult considering each bag weighed like a lot.

"Damm we're only gonna be there for two weeks!" Lars shouted from downstairs.

You just chuckled and ignored him.

You scanned the room to see who was already here.

Lars was on the couch, Kirk was knocked out on the den floor, and James was in the kitchen talking with Lars from the living room.

But someone was missing. It was Cliff.

You grew worried because he was the first to show for everything so this was odd of him to be late.

"Fuck man our flight leaves in one hour!" James said as he ran his hair through his blonde locks.

"Kirk wake up!" Lars yelled.

Kirk groaned and put on his glasses.

"Fuckin woke me up man." He mumbled as he grabbed his previously packed bags and walked through the step.

"Where is he?"James said under his breath.

Just then a knock at the door was heard. All of you jumped. It was Cliff. You scurried to open the door.

You opened the door to his tall figure.

"Hey!" He said pulling you in a hug. God how you loved it. Too bad it didn't last long.

"Hey guys sorry I was late I had to get something!" He said hauling his bag in.

"It's cool. Even though you had us all worried." James said.

"Alright i'm ready to go!" Lars said.

All of you guys walked out to the car. You guys threw all your stuff in the trunk and piled in.

"Shit there isn't enough room for you. You're gonna have to sit on someone." James said.

"She can sit with me."

You felt your cheeks instantly flush. You panicked as you realized you were gonna have to sit on his LAP.

He put both his arms out as if you were some child. He positioned you right on top of his yeah.. You don't know if it was intentional or not but didn't really mind.

"Hey." He said as he looked in to your eyes.

"Hi." You said shyly.

He smiled making you smile.

As you guys arrived at the airport you guys   went to your first class cabin in the plane.

We put our luggage up on top and chilled the whole time.

It was nice because you have never flew in first class before or in general.

You have to admit you were a bit anxious.

"First time flying?" Cliff asked as he sat down next to you.

"Uhh yeah i'm lowkey scared." You said avoiding eye contact.

"Hey you'll be fine I promise." He said grabbing your hand tightly.

Your cheeks were probably bright red at this point.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He said

"Promise?" You said like a little kid.



The plane ride was amazing it was like you and Cliff were the only people in the world. You'd have to admit you'd be lying if you say you didn't fall in love with him.

But you we're not sure if he felt the same way. He gave off every sign but you were still curious.

You guys finally arrived at the hotel it was this really cool and private Japanese hotel.

"This should be good." Cliff said looking at you.



At the hotel rooms. You guys all went your seperate ways except you and cliff.

"Wanna go to the spa upstairs?"

That sounded great to you.

"Yes." You said with a smile.

Both of you guys changed into your bathing suits and robes and began to walk.

The spa was Private you had to make reservations so it was most likely gonna be you and Cliff alone. You liked the sound of that.

Cliff helped you in to the green tea leaf hot tub. It was huge.

It was so beautiful in there. It made you ecstatic.

"So what now?" You asked

"Just relax."

Suddenly you felt a pair of hands snake around you.

"Why don't we have a little fun." That sounded great to you.

You smiled and pressed your lips up against his. He kissed back and pulled you closer in to his chest.

You moaned by accident but in response he groped your ass making you giggle in the kiss.

He flipped you guys over so he was on top. Thank god the hot tub wasn't uncomfortable.

He kissed you lips, your neck and in your chest. He groped your breasts and took off your bathing suit top and threw it to the side.

"Lets get rid of these too." He said pulling your bikini bottom off. He picked you up and placed you on the edge of the tub. He spread your legs and quickly began to do his tongue magic. You moaned as his tounge glided across your sensitive area.

Right as when you felt you were about to cum he then slowly put his hard member carefully inside you. Slowly thrusting in and out.

"Fasten." You moaned. As he went faster you began to grow closer to your orgasm.

"Cliff i'm gonna-

" let it out babygirl.

You quickly climaxed. He climaxed quickly after. He presded his lips against your. You could still taste yourself on him.

"I love you will you just be mine already i don't care what James says."

"Yes! I love you too!

The rest of the time you guys continued to make love and love each other

He was yours and you were his and nobody can separate you two.

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