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Hey guys! Ever since i've started this book you've probably been wondering why I take forever to publish them. Well the reason for that is i've been having really bad writers block. Sometimes not only that my Wi-Fi at home has been really bad to. But!!!!........ That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing. Everyone who has recently requested you're stories will be out soon I promise!!

Well thank you guys so much for reading this and yes REQUESTS ARE GONNA STAY OPEN FOR A VERY LONG TIME!:) and I honesty do not mind how many times you guys request I honesty love writing these for you guys :) ❤❤ (seriously)

Anyways thanks for understanding? Lol
Love all you guys!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ and Request as much as you guys like!!❤❤

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