James Hetfield

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RebelToTheSystem enjoy 💜 :)

For the past few months you've having pain and so many issues that you've never had before. It was driving me crazy.

Then it hit you.

A while back you and your boyfriend James did things. Some unprotected things. You've never thought about so much until now.

It's like your world fell apart

This couldn't be happening.

With a bit of hesitation you got up to go get a pregnancy test. You still refuse to believe it.

A few minutes later you stopped at some convenience store. You scanned the aisles up and down for pregnancy tests until you came across some.

There was three different brands so you just chose one that suited you.

You awkwardly walked up to the cashier and placed it on the counter. The woman gave me a sweet smile.

"All the best." She said sweetly

"Thank you." You said back politely.

A few minutes later you got back home and you ran to the bathroom.

With trembling fingers you opened the test. You took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing"


You looked on the test to make sure its correct.

It was

You have no clue how to react. You had no idea what to do.

You're pregnant.

How will everyone react how will James react?

You just silently cried. You've seriously always wanted to be a mother but not in this way or this quickly.

But we'll just have to wait and see.

"Baby i'm back!"  You knew that voice anywhere.

You quickly shoved the test in your pocket and went to go greet him.

"Hey babe." You said to him as he pulled you on hug.

"Hey baby i've missed you."

"Me too."

"Anything new?" He questioned

Just a new baby in 9 months.


"Are you okay?" He said looking you in the face.

You got lost in his sparkly blue eyes for a second.

You soon snapped back in to reality.

"Uhh yeah i'm okay I just-

"Tell me. Is it bad?"

You felt your sting.

Tears began to fall from your eyes.

"James i'm pregnant."

You watched as his face went expressionless. This scared you.

"I understand if you're gonna leave its o-."

"No." He simply said looking back at you.

"I would never leave you this." He said putting his hands on your waist.



"I'm gonna be a dad." He said as he nuzzled in your neck.

"You're happy?" You said not in a rude way just in a shocked way.

"Yes! Of course i've always wanted to be a dad especially with you." He said holding your face in his hands

You smiled you felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Without a warning you jumped in to James arms and kissed him.

This was one of the best moments of yours and his lives. You only thought the worse and not the best.

James loved you more than anything. The fact you guys are gonna have a baby makes him ecstatic.

"I love you so much." He said

"I love you more."

"Now lets start talking about baby names."

I hope you enjoyed this :) 💙💙

A\N to all my readers I apologize for ditching this book and not updating and that isn't fair to you guys. So I promise I will work on this and update more. :)

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